Sorry, mea culpa- we cannot communicate.

On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Jojo Iznart <> wrote:

>  Sorry my friend, I find your writing style tedious and long-winded and
> very difficult to understand.  After reading, then rereading and then
> rereading it again, I still have difficulty trying to understand your
> point.  Please write in short, to the point sentences.
> Jojo
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Peter Gluck <>
> *To:* VORTEX <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 10, 2014 6:07 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:The 5 states of matter
> Jojo, take in consideration that I want a friendly discussion with you not
> a nervous and aggressive "you are wrong,I am right" one. You have right to
> your opinions and I also can think what I can based on my knowledge,
> prejudices and experience.I want to avoid scandal, it is counterproductive.
> We need new GOOD ideas.
> Please appreciate my sincerity in the following.
> You wrote:
> *People with no training or qualifications in this area have the audacity
> to start arguing with Ed Storms, a proven, long-time researcher in the
> field.  Understanding this field requires a deep knowledge in many
> scientific disciplines only a few people like Ed have.  Ed is uniquely
> qualified to even begin discussing this field, yet his theories are
> rejected in favor of the latest, but definitely not the greatest, theories
> proposing structures and substances we clearly know can not exist.*
> to this:
> a) it is difficult to decide who has training or qualifications to
> contribute to LENR- physicists only, chemists in what extent; or if I think
> that LENR will be solved by combining the scientific method with the
> technologicl method and engineering is the key- then technology illiterates
> are disqualified. Lennart here- like me thinks that solid knowledge in
> management including leadership will also be necessary- then the are of
> knowledge is even greater
> b) about Ed Storms- I know him, I consider him a friend, I know he has
> encyclopedic knowledge in LENR, is a guru He also had performed first class
> experimental work. I have sent his former book to The Europen Commission
> and who knows it can be as a seed there, sometime.
> However remember Robert Frost's idea about "knowledge lost in information
> and wisdom lost in knowledge"? To write a wonderful book is one thing to
> make a synthesis of many data, info, etc some contradictory, some false,
> some redundant, much still missing is an other kind of task.
> C) if you read my most recent paper, you will see that i strongly disliked
> Ed's theory from its embryonic stage- and this has probably helped him to
> improve it. I am rejecting it for its own characteristics not because I
> favored nanoplasmonics or other "exotic" idea. Just to mention that
> hydroton is a structure whose existent has to be demonstrated and if
> deuterium  is building it, protium will probably not.
> A theory has to be evaluated based on its predictive capacity and problem
> solving power- please rethink Ed's theory; it is possible you see what I
> cannot.
> NOW re Ni nanostructures I think the good ones are destroyed but also
> generated in the proper conditions- dynamic active sites.
> Re cancer treatments- if you get some forms of it is not so relevant who
> tries to make your life a bit longer. My son had ganglionar cancer, 3
> surgeries then a tumor has sectioned his carotide  and he died, smiling to
> me..
> Conclusion (not to cancer) the existing ideas do NOT help to understand
> LENR and to convert it in an energy source- we need other ones.
> By thw way, in the negation stage Ed shows that all he existing CF/LENR
> theories are not realistic, based on imagination and of no use for the
> experimental work
> Peter
> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 11:20 PM, Jojo Iznart <>
> wrote:
>>  Peter, My objections are not so much rooted in the "new" ideas
>> themselves, but in ideas that have no basis in reality pretending to be
>> heirs to the throne.  These ideas are a distraction.  We need to get rid of
>> these "fluffs".  People with no training or qualifications in this area
>> have the audacity to start arguing with Ed Storms, a proven, long-time
>> researcher in the field.  Understanding this field requires a deep
>> knowledge in many scientific disciplines only a few people like Ed
>> have.  Ed is uniquely qualified to even begin discussing this field, yet
>> his theories are rejected in favor of the latest, but definitely not the
>> greatest, theories proposing structures and substances we clearly know can
>> not exist.
>> My challenge is open to anyone who can satisfactorily answer my initial
>> contention.  How can the nickel nanostructures, such as nanowires, nano
>> antennas, etc continue to exist to catalyze these "LENR" reactions at
>> temperatures enough to sinter, then melt then even evaporate or sublimate
>> nickel nanoparticles.  Proposing a novel structure (BEC soltions, etc) that
>> possesses novel abilities (metaphasic shielding) is utterly ridiculous.
>> And this coming from an anonymous source who has not even began to
>> establish his qualifications to even begin to discuss in this field.  Am I
>> the only one that see this as a problem?
>> Would you accept cancer treatment advise from an ordinary doctor, and not
>> a cancer specialist.  Or better still, would you from a non-doctor.  Or
>> even still, from a kid with clearly no medical training and
>> qualifications.  And even better still, from an anonymous kid with clearly
>> no medical traininig and qualifications.  Would you hold this kid's opinion
>> in higher regard than the specialist's opinion?
>> Our cancer specialist has several decades of proven field experience with
>> a library bigger than what anyone has.  Our cancer specialist has studied
>> extensively this field probably even before our kid was born.  Yet the
>> kid proposes to excise our cancer with his "light saber", which supposedly
>> has unique "nano metaphasic shielding" abilities, and we are all awed by
>> the supposed miraculous abilities of this light saber that we forget to
>> even realize that this light saber does not  and can not exist.
>> So, those who are most prolific in proposing ideas win?
>> Is this how science is supposed to work?  This is worse than the
>> 2000-climatologists committee-based, consensus-based,
>> computer-simulation-based "science" of climate scaremongers.
>> Jojo
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Peter Gluck <>
>> *To:* VORTEX <>
>> *Sent:* Saturday, August 09, 2014 10:53 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:The 5 states of matter
>> Dear Jojo,
>> I want to answer you in part, prior to Axil.
>> We have to take great care with naming ideas willy nilly,,nanoplasmonics,
>> nanomagnetism, BEC are not so have a growing literature - see Google
>> Scholar please and do a lighting fast search.
>> What sacrosnct rules they contradict how when this has to be shown for
>> any case in detail. Thermodynamics is first candidate and it is much
>> invoked-
>> great care!
>> I think that the field is in such a deep trouble- not understood, desired
>> process not controlled, no possibilities of intensification and scale-up
>> visible- that really new ideas, principles, theories are needed. The old
>> ones
>> have no connection to the experimental reality- Ed Storms is right in not
>> liking theories; he still has to demonstrate that his new theory has
>> problem solving power.
>> I would advise to welcome ideas that are new here- but have domains of
>> validity outside LENR. You also can come with new ideas, the old ones have
>> not been productive at all, right?.
>> Peter
>> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 5:01 PM, Jojo Iznart <>
>> wrote:
>>>  Axil, I feel it is counterproductive to the advancement of science for
>>> people to be proposing ideas willy nilly - ideas that have no bearing in
>>> reality and cleary violates known physical principles.  Attempts at theory
>>> of these kinds are not helpful and adds a significant amount of noise that
>>> needs to be sifted thru and vetted.  I think this is what Ed storms is
>>> lamenting from ideas coming in this forum.
>>> Take your ideas of exotic substances  (BEC soltions) shielding
>>> nanostructures from melting in high temps.  Such "metaphasic shielding"
>>> ideas are counterproductive.  Instead of cleary admitting that your ideas
>>> has a big hole - a clear violation of a known physical property; you
>>> propose this even more preposterous idea of metaphasic shielding for high
>>> temps to try to explain another created miracle.   Each miracle requires a
>>> dozen more miracles to explain it. This is getting ridiculous.
>>> Tell me my friend; would you be so bold in proposing such
>>> ludricous ideas if people knew who you really are?  Being anonymous affords
>>> you the opportunity to be as outrageous and senseless as you like without
>>> consequence.  I am trying to say this without any attempt at a personal
>>> attack, but people has got to admit - this is part of the problem, and IMO,
>>>  part of why Ed left this forum.
>>> Jojo
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> *From:* Axil Axil <>
>>> *To:* vortex-l <>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, August 07, 2014 3:44 AM
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:The 5 states of matter
>>>  *The whole discussion about different theories is way too adament in
>>> my opinion. It seems like if evry theory is having problems to be accepted
>>> by a wide group of scientists.*
>>> Whenever there is a mystery in science, many theories are proposed to
>>> explain that mystery. Take for an example dark matter, there are hundreds
>>> of theories that have been put forth to explain that mystery. There is even
>>> a dozen categories in which these theories can be grouped.
>>> The debate that weighs each new piece of evidence against all those
>>> theories is very healthy. Over time, and with many iterations, one of the
>>> many will pull away in the theory sweepstakes.
>> --
>> Dr. Peter Gluck
>> Cluj, Romania
> --
> Dr. Peter Gluck
> Cluj, Romania

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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