
should read linear.

On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 1:17 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Both linier and angular momentum are conserved through the emission of
> neutrinos as the meson decays to a negative muon. It is this  muon that
> catalyzes fusion of hydrogen.
> On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Bob Cook <>
> wrote:
>>  Keep in mind that Rossi claims low energy radiation that could be from
>> positron-electron  decay.
>>  Remember both photons carry a spin quanta also with  spin transfer.
>> Both linear and angular momentum is conserved with a transfer
>> of “rest” mass into EM fields of the photons.  The  transfer of energy
>> between magnetic and electric fields at right angles to each other may vary
>> well represent a spin and its associated angular momentum for each
>> photon.   And of course the photons each also carry linear momentum.
>> Regarding one of Dave’s questions yesterday regarding spin interactions,
>> it has been my thought that orbital spin momentum can be changed into
>> intrinsic spin angular momentum without any violation of spin
>> conservation.   The extensive existence of this orbital momentum associated
>> with a metal lattice and intense magnetic fields may allow such coupling.
>> The change in spin quantum numbers associated with orbital momentum may
>> vary well establish vibrations in the lattice and hence linear momentum
>> with its classical heat or temperature of the lattice.
>> Bob
>> Sent from Windows Mail
>> *From:* Axil Axil <>
>> *Sent:* ‎Saturday‎, ‎August‎ ‎9‎, ‎2014 ‎7‎:‎35‎ ‎PM
>> *To:*
>> Muon catalyzed fusion could be the enabler of Proton Proton fusion (PP).
>> The double protons seen in the Piantelli experiments might be due to the
>> first steps in the PP fusion chain. PP will exist until there is a positron
>> emission to form deuterium.
>> The PP could then be fused with nickel to form copper via muon fusion.
>> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 11:13 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:
>>> Muon catalyzed fusion might come about when a magnetic field creates a
>>> muon during proton interaction with a magnetic field from meson production
>>> via meson decay.
>>> To create this effect, a stream of negative muons, most often created by
>>> decaying pions <>, is sent to
>>> a crystal of hydrogen.   The muon may bump the electron from one of the
>>> hydrogen isotopes. The muon, 207 times more massive than the electron,
>>> effectively shields and reduces the electromagnetic repulsion between two
>>> nuclei and draws them much closer into a covalent bond than an electron
>>> can. Because the nuclei are so close, the strong nuclear force is able to
>>> kick in and bind both nuclei together.
>>> They fuse, release the catalytic muon (most of the time), and part of
>>> the original mass of both nuclei is released as energetic particles, as
>>> with any other type of nuclear fusion. The release of the catalytic
>>> muon is critical to continue the reactions. The majority of the muons
>>> continue to bond with other hydrogen isotopes and continue fusing nuclei
>>> together.
>>> However, not all of the muons are recycled: some bond with other debris
>>> emitted following the fusion of the nuclei (such as alpha particles and
>>> helions <>), removing
>>> the muons from the catalytic process. This gradually chokes off the
>>> reactions, as there are fewer and fewer muons with which the nuclei may
>>> bond. The number of reactions achieved in the lab can be as high as 150
>>> fusions per muon (average).
>>> Muons will continue to be produced through energy injection into the
>>> protons and neutrons of the atoms within the influence of the magnetic beam.
>>> This magnetic based reaction is more probable than the magnetic
>>> formation of a quark/gluon plasma since it only requires 100 MeV of energy
>>> to produce the muon.
>>> Linier and angular momentum is conserved via neutrino production during
>>> the decay of the pion to keep all spins zero.
>>> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 6:00 PM, David Roberson <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> OK, so that leaves just about nothing to extract.  It would certainly
>>>> not be adequate to explain LENR levels of energy we are expecting.  So, why
>>>> do we hear members of the vortex speaking of variation in the mass of the
>>>> proton as being important?
>>>> I have to ask about the measurement technique and how it is possible to
>>>> determine the mass to that level of precision.  I have never witnessed the
>>>> determination of proton mass and plead ignorance to the processes that are
>>>> used.  Can anyone actually make a physical measurement that is to the
>>>> accuracy suggested?   Anyone can calculate the number to as many decimal
>>>> figures as they desire by using a computer model but the results might not
>>>> reflect the real world values.
>>>> Does anyone have first hand experience in making this determination and
>>>> what is the real standard deviation of the energy content of a lone
>>>> proton?  If the numbers are as precise as you are suggesting then why not
>>>> put to rest the thought of being able to somehow extract this source of
>>>> energy?  Jones, I think you might have some input that would be helpful.
>>>> Dave
>>>>  -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Eric Walker <>
>>>> To: vortex-l <>
>>>> Sent: Sat, Aug 9, 2014 4:45 pm
>>>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:A good analogy for nanomagnetism
>>>>   I wrote:
>>>>   If this value is accurate, at that precision I believe we have +/- 1
>>>>> 0.21 eV to use for free energy speculation.
>>>>  Sorry -- +/- 0.21 eV.  (I need a personal editor.)
>>>>  Eric

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