

The best answer for the “Celani incident” three years ago - and the burst of 
radiation detected then, is that initially - Rossi required radiation 
triggering in order to start the reaction, but once started, the source was not 
needed. Thus the incident with Celani is fully explained.


Then after 2012 and in later demos – Rossi found a way to avoid the need for 
radiation triggering and he also dropped the lead shielding, after he was fully 
convinced that there was no high energy radiation at all. 


This has been discussed here for some time – that a radiation source could 
somehow set the stage for a novel reaction, which did not itself produce added 
radiation. Peter suggested a cobalt-60 source… There are reasons to suspect 
that it was something else


(an alpha source has been used – and it was for QM “probability enhancement” – 
which goes back to Nelson Ying, Baron of Balquhan. That is another strange 
story in the annals of LENR….


From: Bob Cook 


You may be right.  However, Rossi in later demos was upset at observers trying 
to monitor the radiation from his 2011 test as I recall.  In addition Focardi 
was advising Rossi at that time and had been helping him for some time      
before that with theory of the reaction.   Focardi was an expert in radiation 
monitoring and I do not believe he would not have known how to monitor the 
co-incident gammas from the positron-electron reaction.  Its easy if you have 
the correct equipment.   I did it in a 2nd year physics class in the late 50’s. 
  It sounds to me that the test you talk about in Bologna may have been a bad 
test.  One would expect to see some decay of the electron capture reaction with 
a subsequent positron.  


 It was apparent that Rossi would not let people do the monitoring.  I think he 
carried that policy on up to the current TPT.   We will see what comes from 
that testing soon I hope.




That claim was dropped years ago. Do you see it after mid-2013? 


In fact, in an early test at Bologna, an expert was employed with a specialized 
detector for positrons, and saw absolutely nothing. I say “absolutely” since 
the curve was flat – not even much noise.


AFAIK – there is no reliable data on any form of EM radiation coming from any 
Rossi device.

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