If bacteria can do it- surely modern dinosaurs … err … chickens can do it as 






From: Kevin O'Malley 


Such a theory would be straightforward (but not cheap) to test.  We contact 
Louis Kervran to see if he has any of those golden sample eggs still in 
storage, and submit them to the intense chemical testing that would be able to 
sift through whether they've got  KH*CO3 or CaCO3 in them.  


If we could contact old Louie … hmm… that would be an anomaly in itself since 
he died in 1983. However, there could be eggs in storage somewhere. This would 
be a great test to do.


A large percentage of the eggshell would be potassium, in the form known as 
potash, so it should be possible to check this out.


As I recall – researchers in the US military actually replicated this work but 
there were others who could not replicate. Not sure what the military interest 
was ? 


K-rations ?  :-)




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