Jones Beene <> wrote:

> *From:* Jed Rothwell
> Rossi's patent resembles Arata's. Rossi's own lawyers wrote many responses
> trying to distinguish it from Arata.
> Are you confusing US patents with WIPO applications ?
> Which Arata patent at USPTO are you referring to?

Honestly, I do not recall. Years ago I read a bunch of letters filed by
Rossi's patent lawyers arguing that his work is fundamentally different
from Arata's. I think it is fundamentally different in some ways, but the
reasons these lawyers listed seemed unimportant. There were better reasons,
in my opinion. But I know little about patents. Perhaps those lawyers
listed the kinds of differences the Patent Office wants to see.

If Arata's patent applications have lapsed, I guess Rossi's patent attorney
would want to show that his work is not like Arata's. Otherwise his claims
would also lapse, wouldn't they?

- Jed

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