Blaze Spinnaker <> wrote:

Jed, perhaps someone is trying to discredit Rossi and thought this was the
> best way to do so.

Do you mean, someone else swapped out the ash, putting in unnatural
isotopic materials?

I do not think that is possible. Only Levi et al. and Rossi came in contact
with the reactor. The reactor was recorded on video the whole time. No one
else had an opportunity to do this. They have a sample of the material from
before the test, and it has no isotopic anomalies.

The only people physically capable of going this would be the researchers,
Rossi, or the people conducting the mass spec. analysis. None of them has
any motive to fake the result. On the contrary, it is certain they would be
caught, and this would end their careers.

And why would any of them want to discredit themselves or Rossi in the
first place?

- Jed

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