My speculation has been that the elements not present in the ash but seen in
the fuel may be the result of evaporation and subsequent deposition outside
of the sampled ash volume, such as on the vessel walls, rather than being
subject to transmutation.  However, this would not seem to account for the
isotopic shifts in Ni and Li.





From: David Roberson [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2014 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Pomp weighs in


I agree with you that it is quite a coincidence for them to stop the
reaction at exactly the right time without having information from Rossi.
My main questions concern the actual quantity of material that is recovered
as ash.  Is it stated that essentially all of the powder inserted is
recaptured to test?  It seem much more likely that a significant proportion
of the material becomes attached to the interior of the device due to
melting, vapor deposition, etc.





-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Lynn <
<> >
To: vortex-l < <> >
Sent: Thu, Oct 9, 2014 12:06 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Pomp weighs in



By the researchers calculations there are 3MWh released from transmutation
of Li7, and Ni isotopes, and supposedly all of the other initial chemicals
transmuted into Ni too as not present in Ash (which would release huge,
though unquantified amounts of binding energy), yet only 1.5MWh output
recorded, and calorimetry which is supposed to be accurate to ~10%. 


more magic involved? fusion + fission transmutations that release copious
neutrinos with no gammas, betas, neutrons or alphas?


It's starting to smell.


On 9 October 2014 11:52, David Roberson <
<> > wrote:

I may have missed the paragraph that stated the amount of material that was
taken from within the reactor as ash.  Did they recover approximately the
same amount as was put in?


Also, I do not recall how much of the ash by weight was nickel and lithium.
Perhaps I need to read the report again to look for these details.  Does
anyone know whether or not the isotropic shifted metals actually added up to
the total amount of nickel, etc. at the beginning?  I would not be surprised
to find that some of the metals from the fuel found their way to being
attached to the body of the reactor due to the extreme temperatures.





-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell < <> >
To: vortex-l < <> >
Sent: Wed, Oct 8, 2014 10:51 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Pomp weighs in

Blaze Spinnaker < <>
> wrote:


I can't imagine how, but perhaps what was left behind inside the reactor
when added to the ash would show that no isotopic shifts took place.


Sorry, but that makes no sense. The material that came out proves there are
isotopic shifts. What stayed behind cannot "unprove" that. What did you have
in mind? That the other isotopes all got left behind? That would be an
isotope separation technology of a totally unexpected and inexplicable new
type. It would be as miraculous as transmutation.


Also, if you "cannot imagine how" then your assertion has no place in a
serious scientific discussion. You have to imagine how, and other people
have to agree that what you imagine is plausible. This is not a fantasy role
playing game, where you can invoke dragons or miracles.


- Jed



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