The 7 professors who wrote the TIP report are supposed to be answering such
criticisms.  They should have set up a website for just that purpose.
Rossi did.

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Foks0904 . <> wrote:

> I find it funny that anonymous GoatGuy is literally one of the best-read
> "skeptics" out there and get's so much play, but in my view he deserves it
> because he's pretty good and the "skeptical" community generally sucks.
> Still don't think his objections discredit the report, but I wouldn't mind
> seeing them answered.
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Alain Sepeda <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> among the skeptic argument one of the only that is not laughable is the
>> one of goatguy...
>> maybe is it because I don't understand it well...
>> He seems to say
>> - that alumina is not a grey body, but transparent, and that emissivity
>> must be mixed with translucidity when considering the radiation of heat...
>> - and maybe that one effect could came from changing resistors that are
>> more or less hidden "optically"...
>> I propose a kind of group work,
>> I propose that people with competence, analyse goagguys arguments, and
>> the report.
>> 1- can someone explain first the point of goatguy on the fact that
>> alumina is transparent...
>> is it noticeable ? does it change the way radiation equation are computed
>> or is it simply emissivity change ?
>> what can be the order of size of the error induced ?
>> 2- can someone confirm (I cannot yet reread the report) that some known
>> emissivity dots were used, but that the surface of the reactor prevented
>> permanent thermocouple installation...
>> can someone analyse the report precisely
>> 3- can someone confirm or refute my position that
>> "if the same object is brighter for an IR cam, even with a complex
>> emissivity curve, it is hotter than the same object that bright less"
>> the term bright is apparent temperature for an IR cam, or for a blacksmith
>> 4- finally what is the possible error that
>> - translucidity of alumina
>> - with resistor switching that move heat source
>> to change :
>> the observed COP, to higher or to lower ?
>> 5-
>> or to make COP possibly =1
>> my position is that because of my naive rule 3, 5 is impossible.
>> moreover 2 remove the possibility that effect in 1 are noticeable and not
>> mostly corrected.
>> I want to know if I'm wrong.
>> and I have other duties... please help ... I'm sorry.

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