Jones is right...

If the reactor material is transparent to infrared to any degree, the
remote temperature sensor would be looking at the temperature somewhere
inside the ceramic tube. Since the amount of radiate heat is proportional
to the surface area of the radiating body at the air boundary, the
temperature measurement would be incompatible with the proper temperature
times surface area formula for calculating heat flow.

They should have painted the reactor black or covered it with graphite  and
calibrated the remote temperature sensors based on a dummy reactor also
painted black.

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

> At 03:48 PM 10/10/2014, you wrote:
>> Yes and the thickness of the alumina and the "time constants" of heat
>> transfer dTouter/dt = K(Tinner - Touter) or similare suitable equation.
> Fundamentals of Ceramics
> Michael Barsoom
> About 600 pages.
> I found a probably bootleg copy on the web, but you'll have to google it
> yourself.

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