
My experience in the design of fission reactors includes the fact that some 
energy produced by the fissioning of U is lost to the outside of the fuel 
element and does not contribute to the internal temperature.  This is true for 
fast neutron energies, and much of the gamma energy produced.  Most however 
goes into thermal energy of the fuel inside the cladding because its source is 
the the thermal excitation of the fuel lattice by distribution of kinetic 
energy of fission fragments, energetic electrons and other particles, not 
including photons and neutrons.  

Until we understand the actual energy production of the LENR reactor, it is 
only speculation as to what the internal temperature could be.  

However, my speculation is that all heat in the Rossi LENR is produced without 
energetic neutrons or photons, but with lattice thermal (vibrational coupling 
to the spin energy changes) of the coherent nano particles of the reactor.   
This thermal heat is effectively transferred to the alumina reactor vessel with 
little differential temperatures within the reactor cavity itself by convection 
of the nano particles themselves and the Li metal vapor forming part of the mix 
of the hot gas interior.  

I consider the resonant conditions involving spin coupling in a magnetic field 
are involved and that Rossi has designed the reactor to maintain a constant 
temperature, critical to allowing the reaction (involving the Li vapor) to take 
place within or on the surface of the Ni nano particles.  The small nano 
particles do not generate a significant internal temperature above the 
effective reactor gas temperature.   Hence they do not melt and change their 
structure to become fused together.  As Bob Higgins has suggested there may be 
a higher temperature substrate  or alloy designed by Rossi to allow the 
temperature of the gas to go higher than would be possible with pure Ni nano 
particles.   If he has not done that change, it could be the basis for reaching 
higher reaction temperatures and more efficient operation in any connected 
electrical production system. 

IMHO NASA should take notice to this discussion to improve their thermoelectric 
space probe energy sources.  

Bob Cook
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David Roberson 
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.


  If we assume that a high temperature structure is surrounding and immediately 
adjacent to the fuel chamber the materials within that chamber should be as a 
minimum the structure temperature unless heat is flowing into the fuel chamber. 
  I suppose that the fuel could be cooler provided you believe some form of 
heat pump is absorbing the heat flowing into the fuel and sending it out in the 
form of high energy radiation.

  I do not expect for that to happen so my visualization is that the core is 
hotter than anywhere else within the device with the possible exception of the 
resistive wires directly.   The core material can be cooler than the heating 
wires provided a path for heat to bypass the literal wires exists.  That path 
should be available in most cases.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com>
  To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
  Sent: Thu, Oct 16, 2014 10:58 pm
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.


  I thought it was reported that Rossi cut the end of the reactor with a 
diamond saw.  There would have been no plugged charging hole to contend with.  

  I do not think the temperature in the reactor was high enough to melt the Ni 
or Ni alloy nano particles.  As I suggested the energy of reaction was released 
as radiant energy and did not raise the temperature of the reactants 
significantly.  The Li metal vapor would have acted to remove heat to the wall 
of the reactor, if the nano particles of Ni (alloy) got to hot.  It is my 
assumption that the temperature of the vapor (maybe plasma) was fairly uniform 
within the reactor vessel (alumina containment).

  It may be that the isotopes of Ni below 62 were indeed depleted and not seen 
in the ash.  

  Bob Cook 
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: David Roberson 
    To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
    Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 5:28 PM
    Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

    Bob, how would we explain the appearance of the ash material that was 
extracted from the tube?   According to the testers the device can operate at 
higher powers than they experienced which would certainly lead to complete 
melting of the nickel.  What are the chances that some of the other materials 
in the fuel mix might result in 'slag' that prevents the Nickel crystals from 
growing very large.

    It would seem likely for the condensing nickel to form a blockage of the 
small interior channel into which the fuel was inserted.  If that happened, the 
amount of material that could be analyzed would be quite limited.   That might 
explain the large amount of Ni62 if the sample were constricted to the material 
near the end cap and not an average.

    I asked about the amount of material that was collected as ash from which 
the samples were drawn and do not recall getting an answer.

    One last comment.  If the true temperature of the fuel reached the level 
that the IR measurements suggested then I would be very surprised to find that 
a gram was extracted after the test was completed.  Local melting and 
crystallization would very likely plug up the charging hole in several 

    Just my thoughts.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Bob Higgins <rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com>
    To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
    Sent: Thu, Oct 16, 2014 6:29 pm
    Subject: Re: [Vo]:temperature of the resistor wire.

    One thing we can be pretty sure of is that any Ni in this reactor at 
1300-1400C will have no nano-features.  The nano-scale portions melt at about 
half the temperature of the bulk material.  So what would happen is that if 
there was Ni with nano-scale features, these features would melt before the 
bulk and cease to be nano.  Long before you get to 1000C, Ni particles (if that 
is what he used) would sinter themselves together and to the wall of the 

    I do suspect that nano-features are still required for the reaction.  In 
order for them to exist at these temperatures, Rossi must have substituted a 
new metal, perhaps zirconium.  Previously he said he had experimented with 
other materials, but they didn't work as well as Ni.  Well, in his quest to get 
the temperature hotter, he may have switched to one of these alternate 
formulations.  This switch caused the hotCat to work at a higher temperature, 
but probably with a lower COP than his original recipe, colder eCats.  
Zirconium is a refractory metal which melts (bulk) at 1855C.  This is still 
borderline for maintaining any nano-scale features at the Lugano hotCat 
temperatures.  Rossi may have put the catalyzed zirconium particles in a 
ceramic washcoat inside the inner ceramic tube as is done for catalytic 
converters.  The washcoat may prevent proton conduction just by itself, and 
will hold the zirconium particles close to the wall for best lowest thermal 
resistance.  When you open the reactor to take out the "ash" there won't be any 
active material that comes out.

    The heater wire is probably Kanthal Super or the like which is good to over 
1500C when encapsulated in a ceramic coating to prevent air from reaching the 

    On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 3:13 PM, Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com> wrote:

      Axil, David etal--

      I would have guessed that a vapor of Li metal (I am not sure a plasma 
would occur)  may be a fairly good heat transfer agent, much like He  works as 
a cooling fluid.  I would be surprised if there were a 200 degree delta T 
between the edge of the reactor and its center.  

      Delta T across the alumina vessel may be that 200 degrees, if the energy 
transfer is by photons generated by the reaction directly, rather than by 
lattice stimulation of the reacting material with its IR radiation, most of the 
heat may deposited in the reactor vessel (alumina) or escape through the vessel 
to the outside surroundings.  Maybe Dave's calculation would be able to say 
what the delta T across the alumina would be with a given heat flux assuming 
published heat transfer coeff's for alumina.  

      Helium gas is a good heat transfer agent and Li, being  of low mass, 
would be almost as good.  

      My thought about the reactor design is as follows:

      1. The reactive material, Ni or some alloy of Ni is free in the vessel 
along with Li metal.  

      2. The external energy supply is an inductance heater as well as 
supplying an oscillating  magnetic field--which is controlled to effect 
resonant conditions.  

      3. The reactants, Li and Ni nano particles, reach a temperature where the 
LENR happens when the magnetic field is appropriate and resonances match.  

      4. The reaction causes the release of  photons of determined energy (a 
function of the magnetic field) with a change in the nuclear structure of the 
Li and the Ni isotopes reacting.  These photons are relatively low energy and 
not  gammas seen in classical nuclear transitions associated with high kinetic 
energy reactions or transitions of excited radioactive isotopes.   

      5. The temperature, or the combination of temperature and magnetic field 
strength, in the Ni nano particles control the rate of the reaction via a 
negative temperature coeff. much like a water cooled, U fueled, fission 

      6. As the free reactants are used up or become "glued" to the reactor 
vessel so that free mixing of the Ni and the Li is no longer possible, the LENR 

      7. The electrical leads are not inconel, but are tungsten or other high 
temperature electrical conductor.   I would not expect that corrosion is an 
issue with the alumina or the reactants.  The wire conductors would have to 
hold up in a Li, nano Ni hot gas environment, however.  Free O would be a 
problem for corrosion and may change the Ni so as to become non-reactive. 

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