Wow! Aren't we all impressed ... <g>

I do find some of Bushman's patents rather amazing -perhaps way ahead of his

OTOH, there are far fewer distinct patents than he claims, but most
problematic is the alien which he apparently has been led to believe is

K-Mart sold these as toys as far back as 1997. The resemblance to Bushman's
alien is striking.

Maybe Boyd or someone else designed the toy which was sold at K-Mart ... or
maybe a few of the younger guys that he worked with at LM, for a laugh ...
were feeding the gullible old fart this kind of crapola all along- and he
fell for it bigtime.

There is no fool like and old fool ... (spoken by an oldster who tries to
keep an open mind about all the alien bogosity that is floating around

... but who believes that if there is anything "real" to it - and there is -
that what we are talking about is a non-physical meme reality, which could
be transmitted from elsewhere in space-time, but has no concrete reality in
our 3-space)... 

Nothing is more "real" than a closely held belief, even one which is
objectively false... how else can you explain the phenomenon of the suicide
bomber and the 72 virgins (or was it 42)?


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