Hmm well I dunno what you mean by "human editable" because I personally don't find XML very hard to edit.  But maybe I'm not human? ;)  People have been hand-coding HTML and XML for the best part of 10 years now without problems.
A major advantage is that if I open a XOD file in any decent text editor (vim, notepad2, visual studio etc) then I get full syntax highlighting all over.. open it in IE and you can see this too!  Agreeably, there are probably syntax highlighting for other formats (vim has so many!), but I doubt as many editors will support them.
Furthermore, if you create an XSD file to describe the config file schema, most decent XML editors will underline your mistakes as you type, autosuggest possible attributes, and fully validate the XML before you even use it in an application.
Maybe you have an issue with the actual format of the XOD file?  I personally do not like the way that the value is a child of the property element rather than being an attribute, e.g. I would prefer
  <property name="logfile" value="3dworld-blocks.log" />
  <property name="logfile">3dworld-blocks.log</property>
Anyway good work on providing an alternative configuration format to XOD as people always have their preferences!
On 2/3/06, Lalo Martins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In my crusade against uses of XML for things intended to be edited by
humans (and also to teach myself Spirit), I wrote a Spirit parser for a
simple, plain-text store format.

It's partially complete; it's only a loader now, not a saver, and some
features (specially ACL) are missing, mostly because XOD is still
undocumented.  So if someone can point me to what those features are and
how XOD does them, I can happily add them (preferrably send me a XOD

This format is intended for config files and things meant for humans to

You can `bzr get` the code from

(And yes, I know the acronym is weird.  Sue me.) ;-)

                                              Lalo Martins
     So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
      then they seem improbable, and then, when we
      summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom       

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