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On Fri, 3 Feb 2006, Neil Mosafi wrote:

Maybe you have an issue with the actual format of the XOD file?  I
personally do not like the way that the value is a child of the property
element rather than being an attribute, e.g. I would prefer

 <property name="logfile" value="3dworld-blocks.log" />
 <property name="logfile">3dworld-blocks.log</property>

Well, I have always felt that XML attributes should only be used if the amount of data that is going to go into it is known to be small, and that it should be a CDATA text node if it is going to be more than half a line or so. Now in the case you present it is just a short string, so you've got a fair point. However, VOS properties can store any amount of data, so I decided to err on the side of assuming longer properties. For an example of a file format gone horribly wrong by storing large quantities of of data in attributes, take a look at X3D some time!

On a related point -- I need a solution for dealing with binary proprties in XOD. What I have been mulling over are either a) inline the properties with a Base64 encode or b) write out the binary property to a file in the same directory, and use <property file="..."> to refer to it. Suggestions?

[   Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
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