Some people can live with XML... I know I can.  But it's not very
intuitive.  Check in my source tree the side-by-side versions of the
same data in XOD and SOD and tell me what you think.

And so says Neil Mosafi on 03/02/06 17:33...
> A major advantage is that if I open a XOD file in any decent text editor
> (vim, notepad2, visual studio etc) then I get full syntax highlighting
> all over.. open it in IE and you can see this too!  Agreeably, there are
> probably syntax highlighting for other formats (vim has so many!), but I
> doubt as many editors will support them.

By the way, Emacs can usefully highlight SOD in conf-javaprop-mode :-)
I don't know what javaprop is, but it's seemingly similar enough.  Vim
probably has a mode for that too...

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom       

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