On Mon, 03 Apr 2006 18:10:57 -0400, Peter Amstutz wrote:
>    * Ditch CVS in favor of SVN or BZR

I think this is orthogonal to any other goals.

> - - VOS core
>    * Rewrite site connection management to use public keys instead of 
> hostnames as discussed previously

I'd like to see this one sooner rather than later.

> - - Scripting
>    * Bring Python bindings completely up to speed so that they can be used 
> to write omnivos plugins, parts of ter'angreal etc

This gets my vote for the .24 goal; but of course we enter the discussion
of whether the swig bindings are even capable of doing what we're talking
about.  I still think you can't wrap an existing Vobject as a python
object, then call python code from C++ passing this wrapped object.  I
just couldn't find a way to do it.

Whether it's possible or not, I'd be more than happy to merge my scripting
code on vos.  If swig turns out to be usable, then we just ditch the
wrapping parts and keep the rest.

> - - 3D rendering
>    * Add native animation to A3DL
>    * Add skeletal models to A3DL
>    * Add terrain to A3DL
>    * Add prims (via FractalSpline) to A3DL
>    * Add trees (via OpenTreeLib) to A3DL
>    * Add humans (via MakeHuman) to A3DL
>    * Support for more import 3D formats to A3DL, such as VRML/X3D, 3DS, 
> Quake maps, Collada, OpenFlight, FBX...

One or more of these would get my second-choice vote.  But I suppose it's
more interesting to have powerful scripting first, and then from .25 on
focus on these, because having scripting will make them much more useful,
and help with testing.

> - - User interface
>    * Add a concept of a "user agent" to A3DL which is an object 
> which specifically reperesents the 3D browser application and what is 
> being displayed to the user
>    * "Clickable" type, would indicate a 3D object (or other interface item) 
> was clickable and would send a message back saying it was clicked

These also sound lovely, but would largely benefit from powerful scripting
already being in place.

>    * Start using AWS2, the next-generation Crystal Space which defines
>    and
> renders UI components with fragments of javascript, would allow the
> client to download a UI from a server to reconfigure itself on the fly

I'm not extremely excited about this.

>    * Rewrite ter'angreal in python (since CS+VOS+Wx all have Python
> bindings)

Are you trying to throw me a bone here?  :-D

But if a complete rewrite is even considered, then I'd ditch CS too; it
doesn't seem it will ever be stable enough.


my personal goal for .24 would be refurbishing the sqlpersist machinery. I
just don't trust mysql at all ;-)  But if .24 focus on scripting, I
suppose I'll have my hands full, so I'll leave sqlpersist to .25 or

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