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On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Lalo Martins wrote:

I know MySQL is now a complete proper database system, with ACID and all.
But up to just a few months ago, it was just a place to dump your data
that happened to (mostly) respond to SQL queries.  It gained so much
popularity because it was fast; but anyone who really cared
about this database stuff knew that it was faster because it was
incomplete.  Like, well, DOS is faster than WinXP.

Do you still need to use InnoDB to get ACID semantics? I seem to recall that MySQL has supported ACID transactions for a couple years, but only if you used a non-default table layout which was kind of annoying to set up.

And even now, at least last time I looked, the "completeness"
(ACID compliance and whatever else) is optional... the default
setup is just as bad (and fast) as it was in the bad old days.

The Free Software / Open Source world can do better.  Where you
need ACID compliance, safety, robustness, and flexibility, go
with PostgreSQL, it's a much better database.  Where you need
speed and don't care much about the other stuff, sqlite simply
humiliates MySQL.

I agree, if I had been familiar with SQLite when I wrote the sql persistance extension I probably would have used that instead. I don't know much about PostgreSQL, although most people I've talked to who have used both seem to vastly prefer Postgres. MySQL was the default because it was what I was familiar with.

By all means, please write a better SQL backend, I am more than happy to integrate it :-)

[   Peter Amstutz   ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
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