Alright, here's a second draft of the requirements document, based on 
the input I've gotten back so far.

Creating Interreality

Version 0.30.0

Peter Amstutz

   Copyright007 Peter Amstutz

   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
   document under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
   Version 2 or any later version published by the Free Software
   Foundation. A copy of the license is included in the section
   entitled "GNU General Public License".

   Table of Contents
   1. Requirements

        1.1. Mission Statement
        1.2. Multiuser Requirements
        1.3. Online Networking Requirements
        1.4. Platform Requirements

              1.4.1. Basic Requirements
              1.4.2. Scripts
              1.4.3. Interactivity
              1.4.4. Authoring
              1.4.5. Behaviors
              1.4.6. Audio

        1.5. Client Features
        1.6. 3D Graphics Requirements

              1.6.1. Meshes and Effects
              1.6.2. Avatars
              1.6.3. Portals
              1.6.4. Animation


Chapter 1. Requirements

   An unsorted list of all the thing we want Interreality 3D to
   do. See the Timeline at the end of this chapter for priorities
   and scheduling. Compiled from ideas and suggestions by Peter
   Amstutz, Reed Hedges, Karsten Otto and Ken Taylor.

1.1. Mission Statement

   Develop a free software platform for multiuser, online,
   collaborative 3D applications. 

   What do we mean by this?

   Free Software
          Interreality 3D will be released under a free software
          license such as the GPL or LGPL.

          Interreality 3D will allow many simultaneous users that
          are all able to see and interact with each other, and
          share a synchronized view of what is going on in the
          virual space.

          Interreality 3D will be Internet-based. This means it
          must be robust and usable over the "real Internet"
          where uneven latency, firewalls, packet loss,
          heterogeneous networks, narrow pipes, etc are the norm.
          Respecting the distributed nature of the Internet,
          Interreality 3D worlds will be spread across many
          hosts, and worlds will interconnect using portals and

          In addition to using the space to communicate with one
          another, Interreality 3D will allow users to use the
          space to create and work simultaneously on projects and
          documents. Changes to objects will be communicated
          quickly to all online users, permitting real-time

   Platform for ... 3D applications
          Interreality 3D will not be limited by focusing on a
          single-purpose application but rather will be an
          "engine" or "platform" that enables development of many
          types of 3D applications. This will include 3D games,
          social spaces, commerce, information visualization, and

1.2. Multiuser Requirements

   Users shall be able to communicate using typed text messages.
   Messages may be sent privately to a single other user, to
   users in the local vicinity, or broadcast to the entire
   virtual space as appropriate.

   Users shall be able to "emote" text descriptions of their

   Users shall be able to establish a long-term identity which
   persists between logins of the user.

   Users shall be able to securely authenticate their identity to
   the server.

   At the discretion of the system administrator, users may be
   restricted in what they can do. The system shall have a
   permissions or capabilities architechture in place that
   concretely expresses how users are able to interact with the

   The system administrator shall be able to lock out or delete
   user accounts at any time.

   The system administrator shall be able to grant and revoke
   privlidges to other users. These privlidges shall include
   moderation privlidges that allow silencing, removing or
   banning troublesome users.

   Users shall be able to have inventories of objects they "own",
   and transfer virtual world objects to other users. The
   specifics of inventory management should be left up to
   application logic.

   Users shall be able to save essential information about other
   users to create "friends lists".

   Users shall be able to subscribe to the status of other users,
   such as online, offline, or idle.

   Users shall be able to securely verify the identity of any
   entities claiming to be their friends.

   Users shall be able to establish direct connections to each
   other (thus avoiding the server) for the purposes of file
   transfer or interaction in a private 3D world.

   Users shall be able to form private channels with distribution
   limited to a certain subset of users.

   Users shall have the option of ignoring other users, both on a
   limited basis (suppressing communications from that user) as
   well as completely removing the offender from the user's view
   of the world.

1.3. Online Networking Requirements

   Users shall be able to exchange files with each other.

   All content shall be downloadable. Users shall not be required
   to aquire any content in advance in order to join a 3D virtual

   For the best user experience, 3D content sent to the user
   shall be displayed as soon as possible. Content shall continue
   to download in the background. Content downloads shall be
   prioritized to fetch the closest, largest or most important
   objects first.

   To minimize redundant downloads, the client shall support
   intellegent caching of recently visited servers. Cached
   objects may be displayed as placeholders (with a suitable
   visual cue) while an updated version of the same object is

   It shall be possible to interoperate with chat systems such as
   IRC and Jabber and give users on these other systems a
   presence in the virtual world.

   The network system shall support preferential treatement for
   time-sensitive data such as position updates.

   The network system shall be flexible and accomodate the needs
   of applications outside the immediate concerns of the 3D
   space. For example, messages involving game logic.

   The network system shall accomodate semantic markup of the
   virtual world to support the development of intellegent agents
   and agent-based simulation.

   At the discretion of the server administrator, the system
   shall be able to log any and all messages sent across the

   At the discretion of the server administrator, users may be
   disconnected and/or banned. The system shall support blocking
   based on identity or IP address.

   Servers shall be able to link to content on other servers.
   Servers shall be able to limit such inbound linking.

   Clients shall be able to perform searches and queries on the
   world to select data to download or filter which updates to

   The client and server shall be able to interrogate the other
   to determine features, capabilities and components available
   on the other.

   The permissions system shall support restricting what a given
   user is able to acces or "see", so as to support privacy or
   enforce game rules to prevent cheating.

1.4. Platform Requirements

1.4.1. Basic Requirements

   Interreality 3D graphical software shall be portable and
   cross-platform, supporting at minimum GNU/Linux, OS X and
   Microsoft Windows. Interreality server software shall be
   portable to any POSIX-compliant operating system.

   Interreality software shall be usable on modest hardware.
   Interreality shall also strive to be suitable for embedded
   Internet devices such as PDAs and cell phones (through a
   slimmed-down subset of functionality, if necessary).

   For server purposes, Interreality software should be able to
   scale to multi-core, multi-CPU systems, as well as facilitate
   clustering, load balacing and grid computing to support high
   demand applications.

   At the discretion of the server administrator, servers shall
   support "instancing" virtual worlds, for the purposes of
   minimizing overcrowding, gameplay reasons (instanced dungeons)
   or privacy. Users shall be able to join a specific instance of
   a space as a group, or invite other users to that space. Each
   instance shall have separate security, so that permissions
   granted for one instance are not transferrable to another

   The platform shall provide a plugin-based component framework
   that permits extending the platform in a variety of ways,
   accessable from a variety of both statically compiled and
   dynamic scripting languages.

1.4.2. Scripts

   The system shall be programmable in multiple languages. These
   shall include at least one dynamic scripting language suitable
   for online/on-the-fly development.

   Supported programming languages shall interface with each
   other using a common set of APIs. Code written in one language
   should be callable from another language with no extra effort.

   The system shall allow users to upload scripts and run them
   securely on the server. This shall scale to thousands of
   simultaneous scripts.

   The system shall allow scripts to be downloaded and run
   securely on the client.

   User-uploaded scripts shall be able to perform the same
   actions available to the user. Scripts shall be subject to the
   same permissions system as users. For security purposes,
   scripts may have their capabilities further restricted at the
   option of the user.

   The system administrator shall have the ability to impose
   bandwidth, CPU time and memory/storage quotas on users.

1.4.3. Interactivity

   The virtual world shall be able to specify "clickable"
   objects. Users who click on this object in the 3D view will
   either send a message to the object or activate a client-side

   The virtual world shall be able to specify key bindings, where
   pressing a certain key sends a message to the object with
   focus, or activates a client-side script. These key bindings
   will be specified in a manner that allows the user to remap
   the bindings on their client, and save that mapping so that it
   is applied every time the user visits a particular virtual

   The virtual world shall be able to specify entry/exit events
   when the mouse pointer enters or exits the boundary of an
   object in its projection on screen. This will either send a
   message to the object, or activate a client-side script.

   The virtual world shall be able to specify mouse movement and
   raw mouse click events send a message to an object on the
   server, or associated with a script.

   To support a "heads up display", the virtual world shall be
   able to set up multiple layers for display. Each layer shall
   have separate clickable objects, separate keybindings and
   mouse events handlers.

   Objects may be marked as "movable", meaning the object may be
   manipulated and moved by the user in 3D space. The object's
   motion may be subject to spatial constraints (such as: the
   object can only be moved along a line, within a certain plane,
   within a certain cube of space).

1.4.4. Authoring

   Users shall be able to share write access to objects or

   Users shall be able to create new 3D objects. This shall
   include loading meshes from supported file formats, cloning or
   instancing existing 3D objects, or by creating and assembling
   geometric primitive shapes that represent the desired

   Users shall be able to import from a variety of standard 3D
   file formats, including X3D and Collada. In addition, some 3D
   modeling programs may be supported through the use of plugins
   that export to Interreality 3D file formats.

   X3D (and VRML) shall be supported including the full immersive
   profile. There shall be a bidirectional mapping between X3D
   and Interreality 3D capabilities and semantics. X3D scripts
   and triggers shall work within Interreality 3D, with
   Interreality 3D events and objects visible to the X3D runtime.

   Users shall be able to edit all aspects of the world using
   interactive command-line tools.

   Users shall be able to edit all aspects of the world using
   interactive GUI tools. Such tools shall provide the user will
   full access to aspects of the system with a user-friendly

   The server shall support version control of objects.

   The user shall have the ability to specify multiple levels of
   detail for a given object, as well as simplified geometry for
   collision detection or physics.

   The server shall be able to impose limits on the dimensions
   and complexity of objects.

1.4.5. Behaviors

   All objects shall be scriptable in a way that permits
   implementing behaviors that react to their environment.

   3D Objects shall be subject to: gravity, collision detection.
   Rigid body physics simulation shall be available with the
   ability to turn off such simulation for individual objects or
   the entire scene.

   Users shall be able to transfer objects from one server to
   another. Object behaviors shall also be transferrable, subject
   to restrictions based on the capabilities of the target
   server, the permissions of the user on the target server, or
   pre-arranged trust arrangements between servers (such as two
   servers hosting parts of the same online game).

1.4.6. Audio

   Users shall be able to use live audio to communicate in the 3D
   space. To promote a sense of immersion, audio will be
   spatialized so that they appear to come from the avatar.

   Objects in the virtual world shall be able to emit sound
   effects as a point source. This shall include both single-shot
   and looped effects. To promote a sense of immersion, audio on
   the client will be spatialized so that it appears to come from
   a particular direction and distance relative to the user.

   The virtual world be able to designate particular areas of 3D
   space to have certain sound sound effects such as music or
   ambient noise.

1.5. Client Features

   Users may install their own scripts as client extensions to
   provide macro capabilities and new interface elements.

   Users may move around the world using configurable control
   schemes and input devices.

   User movement may be constrained on the client side, to impose
   basic physics/collision detection without requiring
   intervention by the server.

   A sample application provided with the client will be a 3D
   view of the user's local computer, showing files, network
   connections, processes and other interesting resources or data

1.6. 3D Graphics Requirements

1.6.1. Meshes and Effects

   The system shall support geometric primitives: cube, cylinder,
   cone, sphere.

   The system shall support Lindin Labs "prims".

   The system shall support triangle meshes.

   The system shall support texture mapping.

   The system shall support multitexturing and material
   properties based on the Phong shading model.

   The system shall support normal maps and other types of
   material maps.

   The system shall support material shaders written in the
   OpenGL Shading Languge (GLSL) or Cg.

   The system shall support common, standardized graphics file
   formats for textures, including PNG and JPEG.

   The system shall support rendering a variety of 2D graphics
   and document formats onto a texture, such as: plain text,
   HTML, PostScript, PDF, SVG, ODF.

   The system shall support simple animated textures (such as GIF
   or MNG) as well as playing streaming back movies on a texture
   (such as MPG).

   The system shall support procedural textures. Client-side
   scripts may be used to generate the texture image.

   The system shall support portals leading from one virtual
   space to another, with space-warping transforms.

   The system shall support point and directional dynamic lights.

   The system shall support "baked-in" lightmaps.

   The system shall support dynamic shadows, such as drop shadows
   and stencil shadows.

   The system shall support lighting models based on dynamic
   material shaders.

   The system shall support multiple levels of detail, to improve
   rendering and download efficiency for objects distant from the

   The graphics renderer shall provide options to the user to
   limit the level of detail, special effects, lighting, shadows,
   contrast or other graphical options, so as to speed up
   download, rendering, or simply produce the best display on the
   user's hardware.

1.6.2. Avatars

   Users shall be given an avatar to represent them in the 3D

   Users shall be able to select from multiple avatars, and
   configure the appearance of their avatar.

   Avatars shall support parameterized construction, so that a
   base model can be customized by selecting, hair, skin, eye
   color, clothing, body shape, sex, and so forth.

   At the discretion of the server administrator, users shall be
   able to upload their own avatars.

   Avatars shall provide, at minimum, "walking" and "standing"
   animation loops.

   The server shall be able to place limits on user avatars,
   including dimensions and complexity.

   A default avatar shall be available.

   Scripts may create and control avatar representations in the
   3D space to better interact with humans.

1.6.3. Portals

   The system shall support "portals" within and between 3D
   worlds. A portal is an area of space which looks into another
   3D space. A user looking through a portal sees a live view of
   the target world.

   Users shall be able to walk through portals to move from one
   world to another.

   A portal may supply a particular position and orientation on
   the target space that it looks on to, or connect to a specific
   destination portal on target world.

   Servers shall be able to restrict avatars to joining and
   leaving the space through specific portals.

   Portals may start out "closed" to the user. Closed portals are
   opaque and may display some description of where they lead.
   "Opening" the portal causes the target world to be displayed
   through the portal.

   The client shall keep a "breadcrumb" trail of where the user
   has been, particularly portal crossings between worlds.

1.6.4. Animation

   It shall be possible to animate the motion of any 3D object,
   or set of objects. Multiple animations may be blended.

   Animations shall consist of a sequence of key frames
   specifying the relevant object's position and rotation.
   Interpolation methods shall be available to describe the
   transform curve from one keyframe to the next.

   Skeletal animation shall be supported.

   Humanoid animations shall use a common skeleton specification,
   such as H-Anim.

   Skeletal animations shall allow the same animation to be used
   on any model with the same structure.

   Users will be able to control and trigger avatar animations.
   Animations shall include loops and one-shot animations (where
   the animation plays once and then returns to the previous

   Animations shall have a standard speed. It shall be possible
   to scale the playback speed to be faster or slower.

   The system shall support streaming animation in a fashion
   similar to how position and rotation updates are propagated.

   The system shall support live movement tracking controlled by
   appropriate input devices (head trackers, data gloves,
   cameras). Client-side kinematic solvers (command the avatar to
   touch a certain point or assume a certain posture) will also
   use streaming updates.

   The user shall be able to halt animation loops on objects.

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ ]
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