On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 11:16:24PM -0500, Rob Meyers wrote:
> Hey yall, last time I wrote to this group was several years ago, but I have 
> been reading the messages as they come along.  I took an interest in your 
> work back then as I was struck by the similarities it had with the project 
> VRSpace I was working on at the time.  So I read this set of requirements 
> and thought I would throw in my two cents.

Glad you've stuck with us.

I remember VRSpace (well, visiting the web page anyhow).  What became of 
that?  It looks like there's still some mailing list activity.

> In terms of your scripts section, it would be great to have a COM binding 
> to your api.  Although this is pretty winders specific, it opens up all 
> your code to .Net.  I've done some work with editing worlds while you are 

To be honest, I hate COM and our primary development platform has always 
been Linux, so it's not particularly high on the list of priorities.  
However, interoperability is going to be a strong focus of the next 
version, so some kind of COM binding may be down the road.  I'm actually 
more interested in being able to interoperate with .NET directly than 
trying to do .NET via COM.  The tricky part on Windows is that I also 
want to support compiling with cygwin/mingw, so we can't rely on tools 
that are only available with Visual Studio.

> in it, i.e. your interactivity section.  Being able to click on the movable 
> objects and having a visual interface to move it around is very helpful.  
> But this idea can be taken a lot further, namely having an editor that 
> allows you to click on an object and see all of its available properties, 
> methods in and out and allows you to change these fields, invoke the 
> methods, etc.  Very useful for debugging.

Yes, we've been meaning to do that for a long time.  It's just a matter 
of developer time and resources.

> And if anything is on the wish list, having 3D versions of the most common 
> controls available, i.e. panels, texboxes, labels, scrollbars, etc for 
> building a front end in the hud would be fantastic.  If field/events from 
> these widgets are available throug the api, then viola 3d apps.  No reason 
> to restrict them to placement in the hud... so you can put a textbox on 
> some object e.g.  Either way this property editor mentioned above comes 
> into to augment the front end building experience.  Way back when, I think 
> I suggested having the ability to drag a file onto the front end and have 
> its geometry to pop up in the world.  Basically, I am in support of 
> anything that makes it easier to put content in the world and manipulate it.

These are all good ideas, and I'll incorporate them into the 
requirements document when I get a chance.

> I've recently been building a new framework for making 3d apps called 
> AstralX.  To test out its capabilities, I originally wrote a chess program, 
> but that was a boring game.  So I've built a version of HeroQuest, a 
> boardgame from way back, which is pretty much so completed.  Check out some 
> screenshots of the game in play at:
> https://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=125518&ssid=53527
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/astralx/
> AstralX is written in C#, uses BitManagement Contact, so all the geometry 
> is VRML/X3D.

I used to play Hero Quest!  That game was great.  I still have a boxful 
of plastic orcs lying around here somewhere...

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ http://interreality.org ]
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