On Sun, Feb 11, 2007 at 08:40:13AM +0900, chris wrote:

> Hee hee! That's really what I aim to minimise with the floating origin!!
> I don't believe it is so manageable in a conventional origin-relative system.
> The spatial error that I talk about generally increases linearly with
> distance from origin so that is not such a big problem if you move the
> origin every now and then - like every 3 km in MS flight simulator.
> But there are a few situations where it can increase in powers of 2 -
> rare so you can discount them if you want (I don't, but that's me).

So if there is no absolute origin, how do you organize anything in the 
space at all?  I'm confused.  You said that recentering everything is an 
expensive operation, yet you seem to be proposing that you move the 
center every frame???  Or are we talking about more than just a minor 
tweak to the renderer, but actually building an entirely new "non 
traditional" rendering loop directly in OpenGL?

If you're proposing a new whole new rendering method, my second question 
is how does such a rendering approach influence the representaion?  For 
VOS, we're mainly concerned with representation in a way that can be 
stored in a database and sent over the nework, rather than the specifics 
of how it is rendered.  Our assumption has been sector-based rendering 
model, where there are lots of small sectors each with its own origin, 
with portals connecting sectors together.  What you are proposing, if 
its supposed to be origin-free(?), seems to require some representation 
where objects are expressed relative to their neighbors, rather than 
relative to the global coordinate system.  If that's the case, then how 
do you manage sprites (avatars, etc) which are moving around constantly?

I think we've fallen down the rabbit hole.

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ http://interreality.org ]
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