On 3/9/07, Reed Hedges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://interreality.org/wiki/IdeasForCool3dWorlds
> Board games
> I heartfully suggest the notion of a gamespace. You walk in, see little
> stations that let you run various games, get to start a game/join one,
> play, keeps track of your accomplishments, etc. (Rob)

You're stopping at board games? Well, I know a lot of people in the
states are infatuated with card games and nascar right now. But why
not have an entire arcade, with not only games that would be
considered gambling, but 3d interpretations of Pong, Space Invaders,

> Graph Visualizations
> Convert a file format like ?GraphViz or UML or Doxygen's XML output to
> A3DL Vobjects. Or hack ?GraphViz to output A3DL. If Doxygen's XML
> output, show VOS code structure in 3D. -Reed

You mean, make VOS into a graphing calculator? That would be AWESOME.
(You know, besides Reversi, Calc was one of the first applications for
the first version of MSWindows?)
It'd be great to see a Paint Program, too. Or a 3d calendar. (Would a
3d clock have 3 axises? One for each hand?)

> Weather World
> Represent current weather conditions at some place in 3D (by changing
> sky color, position of lamps which represent the sun, add/remove object
> like clouds and particle systems for precipitation). Include an
> interactive object that lets you select between currrent conditions and
> different forecasts for different locations. -Reed

Make this same globe into a driving/boating/flight simulator, and I'll
be intrigued. Add navigation of the star-map during clear skies, and I
will officially switch my "Shell" executive from explorer.exe to

> Hub World
> An attractive "first impression" world for VOS that also includes
> portals to other demo 3d worlds. This world could also contain
> miscellaenous demo objects that don't fit into the theme of other worlds
> (server-side dynamic physics objects that can be knocked around might be
> interesting, or showing off various 3d features a la "walktest"). If
> anyone else on the internets puts up a VOS server with a nice world, a
> portal there could be added to the hub world. -Ken

Absolutely. But you HAVE to include the Warehouse in the same world,
and give the ability  for "users" to link to their home servers...
(Which is why I said the client and the server should be the same
program... If they were, you could keep track of the home address,
upload it securely (without typo) to the Hub World, and inform the
user at the same time when someone enters his or her Home.

> Construction World
> A world that allows users to instantiate, place, and edit simple objects
> in the world space. Objects could be shared, or a user could take
> temporary control over a particular "sandbox" to build in. -Ken

Absolutely. In my idea, this was Synonymous with the
Weather/Driving/Boating/Flight World. That's because our World, our
Universe, is so massive, why not allow people to showcase their own
constructions upon it? Just make sure to keep all submitted objects in
an administrative database for review, and if necessary,
banning/deletion. I'll even be a banner if you need me. ;)

> Boids
> A flock of fish or birds or something follows you around. Craig
> Reynolds' "boids" flocking algorithm is well known and has been
> implemented many times in different languages, should be easy to find it
> and adapt to VOS. -Reed

Put that in the warehouse. We're gonna need it.
I think we'll also need some 'jumping algorithms'.

On 3/9/07, HEBLACK, J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 3d Warehouse
> A 3d warehouse to showcase things needed for various 3d applications.
> This could be one place to browse for content and supplies-objects for
> starting a demo.

Warehouse, much like the Hub World, I think, should contain links to
other objects/locations in the warehouse that employ the scripts or
content contained in any object you're viewing, and perhaps links back
to the objects or scripts that were employed in making that object.
I'm even inclined to say that Hub World should have the Warehouse
within it somewhere.

I'm also inclined to say there should be a language that describes
Procedural elements; 2d and 3d objects you make solely from scripts.
Please, please, please can we have Procedural Elements described
somewhere in the VOS protocols? Please? Then we can offload those
massive 'world download times' into Procedures, which take mere
seconds to download on dialup. =D


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