On Fri, 2007-03-09 at 14:55 -0700, S Mattison wrote:
> Web Browser plz!
> I recommend you read http://www.stereopsis.com/procui.html before we
> discuss this toipic at any great length. After that, please download
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.kkrieger ;)


I saw P.A.'s response about not getting the arbitrary Windows or OS X
frames to render. Slowly I downloaded your two links and then have
attached a demos summary page attachment entitled download via email. So
could this 3d Window Manager referred to contain a 2d toolkit such as
http://fox-toolkit.org? That is one question for you to write back
about. The fox-toolkit snapshot has cross-platform api work containing
threadpools, reactor pattern (who knows what that is!?), and then the
asynchronous call via worker thread to gui thread, and of course a new
event system.


Search name: excremento
Find items: If any criteria are met
Sender contains unclean
Recipients contains unclean
Subject contains unclean
Message Body contains unclean 
Source Account is HEBLACK, J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Then Move to Folder Inbox/Air alert

My Perl Scripts

This will programmatically fill Mozilla with a number of documents into separate tabs:
mozilla-doc loader

Backed up here with additional code:

Gentoo GNU/Linux Bash:

Rename files...
for f in *.jpg; do mv $f bak_$f; done;

Find .dat in MyDownloads...
locate -r '.*MyDownloads.*dat$'

Convert mp3 to wav...
for f in *.mp3; do amp -w -convert $f `basename $f .mp3`.wav ; done; rm *.mp3; rm mp3splt.log

Regular _expression_ AND
emerge -S "(menu.*editor)|(editor.*menu)"

list a lot of the files for an installed package except for the files in var and portage
locate festival | egrep -v "var|portage"

Cross-platform C++

Codename: fotomine
Description: An imagine-archive browser designed to handle online TGP archives.
Progress: Beta Java prototyped in 2001. The subsuquent java versions were dropped after discovering that the original default standard Network support is 'blocking' unless a specific, new non-blocking extension is used which would require a completely different packagage of network calls.

The C++ port is expected to continue through Jan 2006. Most of the 2d and 3d facade themeing backdrops for its introductory configuration and initialization screens are done. It is being built as a closed source freeware utility in support of these political organizations: NORML.ORG , LP.ORG. What is left is to port from Sun Microsystems the main TGP browser window using a combination of different cross-platform C++ toolkits. Some days were passed to develop a backdrop graphics/art theme.

Downloads: none

Codename: Beacon
Description: A small Email client which if used correctly will send back notifications when the email was read by the person who received the E-mail. This is done through a cgi program at http://heblack.biz linked through the E-mail that the Email client creates.
Progress: Dec. 2005 embedding Perl into the C++ client to send tne Email. The GUI client is done along with the cgi spy beacon codes.
Downloads: Beacon_preview.png

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