On 3/10/07, Lalo Martins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You forget on your list that VOS is cross-platform, and the primary
> platform is GNU/Linux.  With that in mind:

Wait.... What?

Did I fail to mention repeatedly that 9/10ths of these applications
are "OpenSource"? I guess I did fail to mention that the people
programming the source of TerAngreal know how to compile Source... But
maybe I thought that was easy to discern from the fact that this group
is pretty much oriented towards programming?

Anyways, everything listed below as 'opensource' can be recompiled FOR
GNU/Linux. In case you didn't know.
Oh, wait, you wanted BINARIES?

Do you know, for how many years, I have been frustrated when I found
the perfect application, and it was only released for Linux? Oh, sure,
maybe there was source, but I'm not a programmer, I could never
compile source! Why didn't people include windows BINARIES just for
me? I'm sorry. Linux users should all know, or learn, how to recompile
an opensource program for their native platform...

> > Comms:
> > Miranda IM - Opensource, Small, and includes AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ,
> > Jabber/Gtalk, IRC, plugins support SMTP Email.
> > http://www.miranda-im.org/screenshots

> Better write our own, using libgaim.  Gaim is one of the most powerful IM
> clients out there, recently, even on Windows, I'm recommending Gaim rather
> than Miranda.

Miranda has a very small memory footprint, and is about 500 times more
customizable than GAIM, one fourth as big as GAIM even with the 6
included protocols, as well as having an open plugin architecture, and
being very minimalistic... And you would rather go with GAIM? Did I
mention that if you go with GAIM, you'll have to force the entire GTK
toolkit to run inside your 3d renderer?

> > Shareaza - Opensource

How about Azureus? Doesn't do HTTP, FTP, or P2P, but BitTorrent works
great on it. BitTorrent doesn't run so well on Shareaza, so I do agree
with you there. But it's a very-well-implemented 'getright'-type

> VLC is "teh kewlness".  And it already has deeply entrenched a separation
> of UI and logic, so it's not too hard to tack a 3d UI on top of it.

Ah! So we agree!

> > Images:
> > i.Mage editor - Opensource and Small.
> > http://www.memecode.com/image.php
> Windows-only, no good.  I'd go for The Gimp, but then, I'm not sure I want
> that just yet -- images are 2d anyway, so how much do I gain by a 3d
> editor?

Gimp is HUGE. (Though it does support plugins, and you could write
plugins that utilize 3d effects... Assuming you could think of some...
Stereogram plugins, maybe? or Papercraft?)

I've mainly been going for Opensource, Small, and Configurable on this list.

> On non-windows, usually you have a separate command-line program (or
> library) for each different compression format.  Even rar/unrar and 7zip
> in their GNU/Linux versions support only rar and 7z (respectively).  So
> what I believe we'd end up doing is a front-end program that is able to
> delegate file handling to many other "handlers"; it's a known field, there
> are many such apps specially in the GNU/Linux world (nautilus, squeeze,
> etc).

OH, WAIT, by "Windows Only" do you mean that there are only Zip files?
And you mean to tell me that nobody has ever written a GNU/Linux
program that deals with the ZIP format?

Oh my god! They killed ZIP!

> > OpenOffice - Opensource but NOT small.
> I don't have a good feeling about this one.  It's way too heavy, has hard
> dependencies on java, and I doubt it would be easy to decouple or
> integrate the UI.

You sure you're not talking about GAIM? or GIMP?
I don't know about those two. I'm very wary of four-letter-words.

And besides, I couldn't think of any other office suite utilities. But
it'd be awesome to see your database in three dimensions, wouldn't it?

So wait, why didn't you say that ProgressQuest was Windows Only? It's
the only one that's not opensource, so it's really the only one that
should matter!

I think you really oughtta think of how to get WINE to run inside VOS,
before you say "We can't do windows programs"...

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