Rod Roark wrote:
On Friday 10 December 2004 11:01 pm, Bill Kendrick wrote:

On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 10:54:50PM -0800, Robert G. Scofield wrote:

It seems to me that I remember being able to use Open Office in Linux to write to Windows files. But maybe it's my memory that is failing. Does anybody know if it is possible for a mere user to write to Windows files, and if so what FSTAB entry will enable this?

A quick Google search came up with something that looks of use:

 "Share Partitions Between Linux and Windows HOWTO"

Right, I guess the umask option is the key.  My fstab entry
for this is:

/dev/hda1           /mnt/win      vfat      umask=0           0 0

Yes, something like this works fine for mounting fat partions. My entry is more involved for some semblence of security:

/dev/hda8   /DataPart   vfat  defaults,uid=win,gid=win,umask=002    0 0

This way only users in the "win" group can write to the partion.

Bob doesn't explicitly say, though, whether his windows partion is FAT32 or NTFS. If it's NTFS, the above fstab lines won't work.

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