Thanks to a Rod Roark Sunset Systems box, I'm back on Linux after about a 10 
month absence due to a defective motherboard.  I'd like to be able to write 
to Windows files from Linux on this dual boot machine.  The Windows partition 
is mounted when Linux boots.  But while I can read the Windows files, I 
cannot write to them as a Linux user.

The following is from p. 94 of the March 2001 issue of Linux Magazine where 
the author is talking about FSTAB entries:

"If you set this up as shown above, only root will be able to write to these 
files.  Keep in mind that the FAT filesystem does not include user 
permissions support."

It seems to me that I remember being able to use Open Office in Linux to write 
to Windows files.  But maybe it's my memory that is failing.  Does anybody 
know if it is possible for a mere user to write to Windows files, and if so 
what FSTAB entry will enable this?

Thank you.

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