On 11-02-15 11:31 AM, Peter Salzman wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Cam Ellison<c...@ellisonet.ca>  wrote:
>> On 11-02-15 08:56 AM, Peter Salzman wrote:
>>> OK, I commented out all the virtual host stuff and changed ports.conf to:
>>> Listen 80
>>> <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
>>> � � �# SSL name based virtual hosts are not yet supported, therefore no
>>> � � �Listen 443
>>> </IfModule>
>>> ServerName dirac.org
>>> and Apache is still not responding to requests from outside my LAN.
>>> This is crazy! �I've never had so much trouble with this before. �The
>>> packets are clearly coming in. �Could there be some kind of crazy
>>> packet header rewriting to make the packets look like they're destined
>>> for somewhere else (like the DSL modem)?
>>> Rod, do you have any other ideas?
>> Maybe I missed something in this discussion, but it looks as though you
>> have duplicate ServerName entries and Port assignments. �You can't do
>> that - at least, not with impunity. �Use your sites-enabled file to
>> specify the site and port(s), and take the corresponding entries out of
>> apache.conf. �You also have conflicting site names between the two files.
>> HTH
>> Cam
> Hi Cam!!!
Hi Pete!!! - long time...
> When I take out the ServerName directive from apache2.conf and restart
> the server, I get the following warning:
> root@satan:/etc/apache2# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
> * Restarting web server
> apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified
> domain name, using for ServerName
>   ... waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully
> qualified domain name, using for ServerName   [ OK ]
Hmmm.  What I can remember from fussing around with mine and looking 
through the Apache documentation is that you're better off using the 
default or other conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-available, and 
symlinking it or them to /sites-enabled.  In other words, leave 
ports.conf blank or commented out, and don't put IP address or port 
number information in apache2.conf.  I ran into similar, though not 
identical problems, and they weren't resolved until I did this.

Here's a portion of my default.conf:

Listen 80
     ServerName ellisonpsychology.ca

and virtuals.conf:

Listen 443


ServerName appears within VirtualHost - it doesn't seem to matter 
whether it's inside or outside it.
> I thought the ServerName within a virtual hosts directive indicates
> which name that particular virtual host responds to but the general
> ServerName is used (for some purpose) by the general web server?  I
> tried taking the ServerName out of apache2.conf and got the error
> message above.  Still didn't work, unfortunately,
> Where is the ports assignment done twice?
It's in both apache.conf and ports.conf, as well as in both dirac.org 
and iuselinux.org

I think you will need to either assign port 80 to one domain name and a 
different port to the other, or use port 80 and specify the other 
domains as ServerAliases.

I'll send you my entire site files if you want.



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