Andreas Ziegler <> writes:

> On 23.10.2012 18:21, Andreas Ziegler wrote:
>> Next thing I noticed was that the LEDs, recently restored to life by
>> voyage 0.8.5, remained dark. I found out that the script
>>   /etc/init.d/voyage-util
>> is not executed correctly, because the command 'remountro' terminates
>> with an error. It seems that the file system is left writeable after
>> boot. Executing 'remountro' immediately after the system initializes
>> produces this error:
>>   mount: / is busy
> I was able to find a fix for the problem:
> (1) Edit /etc/default/voyage-util
>   VOYAGE_SYNC_DIRS="var/lib/dhcp var/lib/logrotate"
>   VOYAGE_SYNC_RECOVER_DIRS="var/lib/dhcp var/lib/logrotate"
> (2) Stop the dhclient process.
>   kill -s SIGTERM $(lsof / | awk '$4 ~ /[0-9].*w/ {print $2}')
> (3) Recreate /var/lib/dhcp and /var/lib/logrotate (they must be
> directories, and empty; in my case one was a link to a non existent
> location and the other contained the DHCP lease file, effectively
> preventing a mount operation).
>   rm -rf /var/lib/dhcp /var/lib/logrotate
>   mkdir /var/lib/dhcp /var/lib/logrotate
> (4) Reboot and check the output of the 'mount' command. It should show
> the root device as read-only and two additional mount points for the
> directories above.
> The boot device is now read-only and the LEDs are working again.

Just fyi, I ran into the same issue with 0.9-rc1 installed from LiveCD
and used

which solved the problem only partially. The next thing was an issue
with the parallel init script boot, where networking was executed before
voyage-sync. Despite the latter being S10 and networking S11. Must be a
bug somewhere ...

Anyway, workaround was serializing the init scripts
$ touch /etc/init.d/.legacy-bootordering

and from then on / mounted ro on boot.

Thanks btw for looking into this, your mails were quite helpful!

Regards, R.

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