On 23.10.2012 18:21, Andreas Ziegler wrote:
Next thing I noticed was that the LEDs, recently restored to life by
voyage 0.8.5, remained dark. I found out that the script


is not executed correctly, because the command 'remountro' terminates
with an error. It seems that the file system is left writeable after
boot. Executing 'remountro' immediately after the system initializes
produces this error:

  mount: / is busy

I was able to find a fix for the problem:

(1) Edit /etc/default/voyage-util

  VOYAGE_SYNC_DIRS="var/lib/dhcp var/lib/logrotate"
  VOYAGE_SYNC_RECOVER_DIRS="var/lib/dhcp var/lib/logrotate"

(2) Stop the dhclient process.

  kill -s SIGTERM $(lsof / | awk '$4 ~ /[0-9].*w/ {print $2}')

(3) Recreate /var/lib/dhcp and /var/lib/logrotate (they must be directories, and empty; in my case one was a link to a non existent location and the other contained the DHCP lease file, effectively preventing a mount operation).

  rm -rf /var/lib/dhcp /var/lib/logrotate
  mkdir /var/lib/dhcp /var/lib/logrotate

(4) Reboot and check the output of the 'mount' command. It should show the root device as read-only and two additional mount points for the directories above.

The boot device is now read-only and the LEDs are working again.


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