On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 9:07 AM, Pierre Pfister (ppfister) <
ppfis...@cisco.com> wrote:

> Hello Jon,
> No strong opinion on my side, but I'd just like to notice that there might
> be cases where multiple interfaces, in linux, have the same name, if they
> are in different network namespaces.
> VPP could literally control the back-end of thousands of containers'
> interfaces, all called eth0.
> I know this is a rather specific use-case, so I understand it might be
> helpful to change the default, but don't make the assumption that linux
> interface names are unique.
> - Pierre

Pierre and others,

Where did VPP get the names for those thousands of interfaces?

My point is that having VPP make up names for entities that the
user is going to want to name makes for a very bad UI design and
a bad User Experience.

Instead, the user needs to be in control of the namespace and be
able to predict, or out-right state, the names VPP will assign to
any entity that it allows the user to name.

The Tap interface fails in this regard.  I'm looking for a viable
solution, though.

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