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                                 Vermont Green Party Statewide Meeting


Nancy Brown, Military Families Speak Out
John Gelineau, Gold Star Families, founded by Cindy Sheehan


  Bring the Troops Home Now



John Gelineau's son was killed by a roadside bomb in Mosul, on April 20, 2004. Nancy's son returned safely from a tour in Iraq earlier this year. John grew up in Burlington and attended St. Michael's college. Nancy and John have spoken at several events with Cindy Sheehan. Along with Cindy, John and Nancy are campaigning so not one more American or Iraqi is killed or wounded for this illegal, immoral, and unjust war of aggression based on lies.


Running for office to build peace movement
John and Nancy are considering one or more military family members running for Vermont statewide and federal office in 2006 on a platform of immediate withdrawal from Iraq. On Town Meeting Day, March 1, 2005, Vermonters voted overwhelming against the war.  65% in Burlington voted to bring the troops home now. Yet Democratic/Republican candidates oppose this idea and want to continue funding the war and sending Vermont soldiers and national guard to kill and be killed. Students, faculty, peace activists, military family members, Iraq and Vietnam veterans, and ordinary citizens can run in 2006 as one way to campaign to end this war.



Sunday, November 13, 1pm
University of Vermont,
Room 200 Lafeyette (next to Royal Tyler Theater)



Free parking is available in visitor's parking on College Street near the UVM Green. From there,
walk directly across the green to Old Mill. Lafeyette is a new building connected to the back of
Old Mill and next to Royal Tyler Theater.


Ashley Smith


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