Mazin Qumsiyeh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: "Mazin Qumsiyeh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 00:59:05 -0500
Subject: [HumanRights] Draft list of North American organizations

Note: Forwarding permitted. Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with any feedback
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I intentionally did not include local groups in this version as I continue
to collect information on these (there are literally hundreds). I also did
not include some national groups if their goals do not support basic and
inalienable rights supported by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The websites of these 42 national groups provide information about what they
Obviously, this draft is incomplete. Please send other information
including links to other national groups not mentioned here (and also local
groups) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that we can continue to build and update

Academic For Justice
A network of nearly 500 academics who support divestments and boycotts from
Israel and Israeli academic institutions until Israel complies with
International law and basic human rights (including right of return to
refugees). Also engages in protection of academic freedoms from attacks
aimed at silencing any discussion of Palestinian human rights and Israeli
apartheid policies.

America-Mideast Educational and Training Services
A private, nonprofit organization that strengthens mutual understanding and
cooperation between Americans and the peoples of the Middle East and North
Africa. This is done through field offices, educational projects, etc.

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Works in various spheres of life to defend the interests of people of Arab
descent. Particularly strong in civil rights issues.

American Association of Palestinian Equal Rights
A pro-Palestine, pro-peace public advocacy group in the nation’s capital.

American Educational Trust and the Wash Report on Middle East Affairs
Distributer of books and resources. They publish the best and most
informative monthly magazine on the subject (news, commentary, announcements
etc). It is suggested that people donate subscriptions to decision makers,
public libraries, universities, and other institutions.

American Friends Service Committee
This is perhaps one of the oldest groups supportive of Palestinian rights in
the US. In 1948, AFSC provided aid to Palestinian refugees even before
UNRWA was established. They continue to be pivotal in networking and
support around the US.

[The] American Task Force on Palestine
“advocating the national security interests of the United States in
establishing an independent and viable Palestinian state..” Supports a two
state solution and active US government involvement.

Arab American Institute
“to encourage Arab-American participation in electoral politics..”

Association of Arab-American University Graduates and Arab Studies Quarterly
AAUG publishes the excellent Arab Studies Quarterly. AAUG could be
revitalized as it used to be much more active in organizing conferences,
getting books published etc.

Association of Palestine Public Affairs Forum
Mission: 1) Promote a just and equitable solution to the Palestinian-Israeli
Conflict in accordance with the United Nations Resolution UN -194 and UNSCR
242 and 338. 2) Support democratic Palestinian institutions; and 3) Build
business, cultural and educational exchanges between the United States and

Boycott Israeli Goods
Promotre boycotts and divestment from Israeli companies and US companies
that invest in Israel.

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT)
CPT send delegations to provide non-violent observation and protection to
Palestinian civilians. Their presence in some areas like Hebron was
critical (absent international protections, ISM and CPT provide such

Citizens For Fair Legislation
This is a good group to get affiliated with and get timely alerts on pending
public policy issues. The website provides easy tools to write to elected

Council For the National Interest
A grassroot political action organization working on peace in the Middle
East. Excellent educational and outreach efforts.

Council on American Islamic Relations
Grassroot civil rights and advocacy group. This is the largest civil rights
group focused on Muslims in North America.

Electronic Intifada
This is one of the best websites for timely information on current news and
analysis. Also issues occasional action alerts on topics of interest

Fellowship of Reconciliation
” envision a world of justice, peace, and freedom. It is a revolutionary
vision of a beloved community where differences are respected, conflicts are
addressed nonviolently, oppressive structures are dismantled, and where
people live in harmony with the earth, nurtured by diverse spiritual
traditions that foster compassion, solidarity, and reconciliation.”

[The] Foundation for Middle East Peace
"a nonprofit organization dedicated to informing Americans about the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict and assisting in a peaceful solution that
brings security for both peoples. The FMEP publishes the Report on Israeli
Settlement in the Occupied Territories, as well as analysis and commentary,
maps, charts, and other resources."

Friends of Sabeel, North America
This group holds regional meetings that are the most effective tool for
reaching out to mainstream America especially church communities.

If Americans Knew
When this group was estyablished by journalist Alison Wier, it engaged
immediately in monitoring coverage of Palestine/Israel in the American
media. Through sound statistical and objective analysis, the group shows
with dramatic graphs and figures why the US public is being shielded from
the truth. Excellent resources both on the internet and as brochures ,
cards, and pamphlets are produced and distributed.

International Solidarity Movement
Needing no introduction, this is the group that brought hundreds (perhaps
now thousands) of North Americans to engage in non-violent direct action in
support of Palestinian non-violent resistance.

Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions- USA
The US campaign for ICAHD had picked up steam and there are lots of
fundraising and educational projects around the US including media work.

[The] Jerusalem Fund and The Palestine Center
Situated in Washington DC, this center provided the best institute in DC
doing research and publishing material on Palestine. Its conferences are
always well attended (capacity crowds) and well-publicized.

Jews Against the Occupation
While this groups seems to be mostly in and around the New York area,
they seem to have members around the country and presence at most
national and international events

Middle East Children's Alliance
Takes groups on tours in Palestine, provides education in the US, and
provides direct aid.

[The] Middle East Research and Information Project
Mostly informational articles and resources with a published print and
web based magazine

[The] Muslim Public Affairs Council

[The] National Council of Arab Americans
“aims to be a unifying framework for the Arab-American community across
gender, racial, religious and socio-economic backgrounds through multi-level
political empowerment, chapter-based grassroots democratic mobilization and
accountability, and need-based service programs.”

Palestine Children Relief Fund
Formed to “address the medical and humanitarian crisis facing Palestinian
youths in the Middle East. It has since expanded to help suffering children
from other Middle Eastern nations, based only on their medical needs.”
Brought hundreds of children for treatments.

Palestine Media Watch
Includes a network of media monitors and activists who have already
made significant inroads in mainstream media. This is perhaps the
largest network of media activists on the Palestine issue in the US.

Palestine Online Store
While this is mostly selling books, paraphernalia and other items
related to Palestine, its presence and tabling at many functions around
the US provides excellent educational outreach. The manager is also
active in political affairs and has helped behind teh scenes in many
ideas for advancing peace with justice.

Palestine Remembered
This is perhaps the best site oiut there for history of Palestine and
documentation resource on all aspects of Palestine as it was before and
after the Nakba. But it also allows networking between refugees,
displaced peopel and other Palestinians who come from the more than 500
depopulated villages and towns.

Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Began in 2000 with campaigns to defend and promote the right of refugees
hosting large rallies in 2000-2002 and annual conventions. Differences over
tactics/strategy exist (e.g. between chapters in CT, WI, DC, Toronto and
those in NY, CA, and Vancouver).

[The] Palestinian American Congress
Established to assist the Palestinian American community in coordinating and
organizing its political, educational, cultural and social affairs. Has 21

Partners for Peace
Major projects include highlighting the nonviolent efforts of Palestinians,
Israelis, and citizens of other nations to end the occupation of Palestinian
territories, organizing the "Jerusalem Women Speak: Three Women, Three
Faiths, One Shared Vision" speaking tour, and advocacy with the media.

Search for Peace with Justice
This groups aims to improve American media coverage of the Arab-Israeli
conflict by disseminating information about the issue and by urging
journalists to cover the conflict accurately and to support a just
peace in their editorials.

Suspend US Aid to Israel Now
Advocacy against continued aid to Israel which violates International law,
human righst (and even US Law, e.g. on use of military equipment to harm

Trans-Arab Research Institute
A primarily educational institution that provided for dialogue, training,
and building other groups

United Palestinian Appeal
Provides humanitarian aid to Palestinians primarily in the Occupied areas of
the West Bank and Gaza

[The] US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
This is a coalition of over 230 groups interested in US foreign policy with
regards to Israel/Palestine. This year adopted a focused campaign on
Caterpillar (supplies bulldozers that destroy Palestinian homes, businesses,
and farmland).

[The] Wheels of Justice Network
This is likely the most effective grassroot outreach effort on issues of
Iraq and Palestine. A decorated bus brings eyewitness accounts to
occupations. It has already traveled nearly 200,000 miles been to 48 states
and presented at hundreds of events (including over 1000 events at high
schools, colleges, and universities

Women in Black
“a world-wide network of women committed to peace with justice and actively
opposed to injustice, war, militarism and other forms of violence. As women
experiencing these things in different ways in different regions of the
world, we support each other’s movements. An important focus is challenging
the militarist policies of our own governments.”

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