Hi, all!

I want to say some words about what I do in my branch =)
Simply I'm trying to make more clean and usable layout for our MITM
Proxy tool. View for Intercept and history preview must be optimized for
window area and purpose.


I also want to show in response area only one view for body (not raw and
HTML). So if we have syntax colorer then we use it. It not - simply show
b/w body text.

In Intercept/manual request view we need to see request and response in
same time. Also we have whole window area and can split it.
I also removed up,down, add and delete header buttons to free space.
Now it is in popup menu (As I think these actions are not used oftentimes).

Furthermore for history preview we can show only raw (headers + body)
layout so we will have only 2 tabs: Request and Response.

What do you think about it?

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