
>> So what we need to change in Proxy UI?
>> Or we need in first place stable work of current UI (we need to fix all 
>> bugs)?
>    I don't know of any particular improvements to be done in the
> proxy UI, but I'm sure that there are some bugs that require
> attention.

I agree. let's postpone such changes to time after release.

>    - class clickable_text( textview )
>    - The user will be able to edit the contents of the clickable_text
> view as if it were a regular textview
>    - our class will add "links" to the text. For example, the first
> header line would look like GET http://localhost/ HTTP/1.1 ; where GET
> would be colored in blue and with an underline. When the user clicks
> over GET, he gets a menu with [GET, POST, OPTIONS, ...]. If he clicks
> the POST option, the text changes. Something similar happens with
> HTTP/1.1 where other common HTTP versions should appear.
>    - This shouldn't be too hard to do, because there are "fixed"
> parts of the request that should always be there, and can always be
> underlined and have menus attached to them.

Sounds very interesting! Especially if add some common HTTP syntax
highlight to request.

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