1) Does anyone know where I can get some Japanese Fonts, preferably the cool
looking rounded ones. I have only a choice of 3 that came with the system.

2) How can you launch, say, 4 netscape pages simultaneously from the desktop
(Dilbert, Peanuts, Ripley's and an Austrian Webcam :-)? I've tried dragging
and dropping the site url's, but it only wants to open one when I
shift-click launch them. Or do I have to use Explorer (which has been
bombing for no good reason recently, v5).

System is 9.1, running on G4/450 SP using Bigpond cable, and Netscape 4.7.

And to cap it off,
3) What are the odds of an LCD iMac at MacWorld SF this year (3 months-5
days to go)? My 7300 is occasionally getting a '?' on startup (Yes, Andrew,
I'm backing up regularly).

I've given up on a 'new' Newton (says Brett who's still using his MP2000
even more, guarding his backup MP2000, and watching with alarm the prices on
the new Palms :-), with their small screens and their continuing need for
funny writing :-(

Best regards to all,

Brett Carboni
Tsunami Sushi Bar
"First with Airport in a Sushi Bar"
(we wish)