At 23:31 15/10/01 +0800, Brett Carboni wrote:
2) How can you launch, say, 4 netscape pages simultaneously from the desktop
(Dilbert, Peanuts, Ripley's and an Austrian Webcam :-)? I've tried dragging
and dropping the site url's, but it only wants to open one when I
shift-click launch them. Or do I have to use Explorer (which has been
bombing for no good reason recently, v5).

Write yourself a little apple script.

I've given up on a 'new' Newton

Finally :-)

(says Brett who's still using his MP2000
even more, guarding his backup MP2000, and watching with alarm the prices on
the new Palms :-), with their small screens and their continuing need for
funny writing :-(

Depends, all writing is a matter of consencus between readers.
()/)/)()        ..ASCII for Onno..
|>>?      ..EBCDIC for Onno..
--- -. -. ---   ..Morse for Onno..

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