Go into your system prefs and select network. Choose the Ethernet from the pop-up window next to "Show". Click on the AppleTalk tab and then click on the checkbox that says "Make AppleTalk Active". You will also need to set up sharing options via the Sharing section (Email me if you have any problems). When you want to connect the computers select "Go" from the title menu in the finder and then choose "Connect to Server" choose the AppleTalk option and the rest should be no problem.

Ruben A. Franke

I have a G4(AGP) and a G3Powerbook both using Mac OS 10.1.3 and
connected with a cross over cable that works. I have checked the
archives and three knowledgeable 'tomes' but can't seem to get the right
combination of buttons to do simple File Sharing.Can anyone tell me the
right buttons to press!

Mike Armson 840

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