I take it no one has any idea about the below mentioned problem.


On 2/5/02 11:48, "Brett Bygrave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All
> I am having huge problems with file sharing on a G4 500DP, running OS 9.2.2,
> 512MB RAM, 40GB HD, partitioned into 3 drives...10GB System drive, 10GB,
> 20GB.
> After startup, but before file sharing starts up, the message ³The
> application File Sharing has unexpectedly quit because an error 29 has
> occurred....² Soon after that, either the Finder ³unexpectedly quits² or
> the machine freezes all together.
> I have tried searching the archives to no avail, I have deleted file sharing
> prefs, rebuilt the desktop on all 3 partitions, zapped the PRAM, increased
> file sharing control panel¹s memory allocation.
> I have officially run out of ideas, and it is one of 2 workstations we have
> that are both desperately required. Any help, ideas, URL¹s, fixes, etc.
> would be greatly appreciated.