See below !

James Kunz wrote:
> you could have a line quality if i have my setup in
> bayswater then the modem runs on 28.8k max!!!! but very stable, if i
> shift to balcatta with the exactly the same setup then the modem spins
> up to 44k but with some disconnections.............
> also not all 'citizens' in perth can have adsl.....that's another
> telstra limit!!!!!! also a sign of poor lines & old exchange equipment

NO ! It is actually a sign that Telstra was providing a quality ' Voice
Line '
which is what these lines were originally provided for. Lines that are
distant from the exchange need AMPLIFICATION to overcome the Line Losses.

Telstra only uses Equipment designed and manufactured by Private
Enterprise. So if it has not beendesigned or made it cannot be used.

It would be great if we could throw a switch and convert the whole
Network at into Digital circuits for Zero cost. But considering the
total network is worth about 40 Billion A$ that is not going to happen.

Meanwhile James should still be able to achieve something like 38k.
Perhaps he needs an alternate script for his modem. Good idea ! Coming
attached to a separate email James.
There are others available if this one does not help.

Bob Howells