At 22:31 +0000 12/12/02, Toby Oldham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Australian University drops Mac support

The University of Western Australia (UWA), which began teaching IT
courses on the first Macs in the mid-eighties, has dropped Mac support
from its teaching programs, claiming that the cost of Apple hardware
was the reason for the decision (up to 2.5x the cost): "There was
nothing about OSX we didn't like, we just couldn't really afford the
hardware costs." The Australian IT article notes that in contrast, the
University of NSW installed a new Mac lab last year with 20 machines,
primarily for teaching human computer interface (and is also working
on Cocoa software development courses).

There usually is more to a newspaper story than meets the eye. Enquiring minds might have expected more thorough reporting from "The Australian".


* The reporter didn't mention the manufacturer of the PCs that UWA Computer Science buy, or provide any pricing or configuration comparison.

* There was no mention of Microsoft operating system or server licensing costs on Windows PCs.

* There was no analysis of the total cost of ownership of either system.


Andrew Nielsen <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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