Hi all,

Having a problem connecting a new 10/100 "auto everything" 
Switch to my existing 10/100 hub.

My old 10/100 Hub (at one end of the house) has 8 ports, one of 
which is adjacent to an Uplink port which was used to connect 
between this hub and an older 10mb-only hub at the other end of 
the house.

I replaced the old 10mbs-only hub with the new Switch, and 
used the existing Cat5 cable to connect to the 10/100 hub, but 
the computers at each end could only see "local" 
computers/devices connected to the same "end" hub.

So, although each hub was working fine with the "local" devices, 
the two hubs were not talking to each other. A computer at one 
end could not see devices connected to the hub at the other end 
of the house.

Is that clear?

Anyway, I tried all sorts of combinations, even read the manuals 
for both hubs. As I understand it, the new Switch shouldn't care 
whether the connecting cable is a crossover or not, since it looks 
like it "auto-senses" everything, even crossovers?

I tried a few different ports, with and without crossover, to no 

So I'm now using the new switch with the old 10mbs-only hub, 
and it works fine, but of course only at 10mbs. The local end of 
the house works OK at 100mbs, but I only have 10mbs between 
each end of the house.

Any suggestions?
