On Friday, January 10, 2003, at 06:59 AM, Sojourn wrote:

> Well, I've given up on isync with my husband's Palm. Does not add 
> anything
> from Ical at all and adds multiple telephone numbers. Until it works 
> better
> I'm not bothering with it anymore!
I had the same problem... But solved it by going to the 'Reset All 
Devices' within iSync and forcing our Palm (IIIx) information to be 
replaced with the iCal and Address information from the Mac... I did 
this with the iPod as well... and so far it has worked...

This of course will only work if all of the information you want is on 
the Mac to start with. After the first reset it should sync 
information between the two...

I must confess I am still having problems with using iSync to then sync 
my iPod to the Powerbook... When I try this the iPod's calendar 
information is wiped clean... and the powerbook's information remains 
untouched. I am still experimenting with this problem.... Perhaps 
someone may have some ideas.. I don't seem to be able to use the 'Reset 
All Devices' to force the Powerbook to be overwritten by the iPod as I 
am not given this as an option. The only option given in my list of 
devices is that the Powerbook replace information on the iPod...

> One of the reasons I switched from PC to mac was to avoid the contant 
> race
> with software changes but 10;;10.1.2;,, 10.1.3 and a lack of reliable
> software!!

I think from memory that the new iSync software requires 10.2.3 (not 
10.1.x) to function as well as current iCal and Address prgrams... (I 
could be wrong with this)...

Good luck,


Phil Goodall-Smith
Phone: 08-92721984
Office: 08-93715455
Facsimile:      08-93715975
Mobile: 0412-522412

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