I need to put the milk back into the cow because I have no buckets.
I want to get a print out of a photo on my hard drive but have no other
means of transporting it (No burner or card reader).

Thanks in advance for help
Ruben A. Franke

When I hook my Fuji Finepix 2400 camera up to my G4 it mounts the SmartMedia card on the desktop as a disk. I can copy files from the SmartMedia card to my hard drive and even delete them directly from the card with no problem. I've also gone the other way to share pictures. All I had to do was make sure the files were named using the same convention the camera used and I
could even see the pictures using the controls on the camera. I've
transferred pictures to the camera for storage without using the naming
convention the camera uses and even though the files can be seen when the
card is mounted on the desktop the camera can't see them.

Thanks for your input but unfortunately my compact flash card does not mount on the desktop as a disk when I hook up my Canon Powershot A200. I'm running OS 10.2.2 Would booting into OS 9.2 allow this to happen? If not how can I get my card to mount?

Thanks Again
Ruben A. Franke