Thanks for the suggestion. I tried that but when it mounts (in 9) it does so as a locked disk. I have discovered that there is a upload function in the imagebrowser software that works with OS X but I'm having trouble getting imagebrowser to work at the moment. I should be able to fix that myself though. Thanks for the help guys.

Ruben A. Franke

On Friday, February 28, 2003, at 08:47 AM, Dark Servant wrote:

Thanks for your input but unfortunately my compact flash card does not
mount on the desktop as a disk when I hook up my Canon Powershot A200.
I'm running OS 10.2.2
Would booting into OS 9.2 allow this to happen? If not how can I get
my card to mount?

Thanks Again
Ruben A. Franke

Do you have the original software which came with the camera, I use a kodak dx3600 the software that came with this worked fine on 9 and allowed pictures to go both ways in the mount disk on desk top type approach, but doesn't work under 10.2.x

if all else fails some photo shops eg kodak now accept email photo for printing OR a flash card reader that can plug into the Mac.