> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ken Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, 22 April 2003 10:23 AM
> To: wamug@wamug.org.au
> Subject: Heart Attack
> (I was prompted to send this because my father was taken to
> hospital Thursday morning with this very problem, altho he wasn't alone.)
> I can’t confirm the accuracy of this advice but it’s better than
> none at all, and whilst we’re on the subject - would you remember
> what to do if someone near you is having a heart attack?
> Regards from Ken

Sigh another Chain Email.

This wouldn't change the course of a myocardial infarction, I don't
believe, but a vigorous cough or thump on your own chest (I know of a doctor
who did the latter, successfully) could reverse a fatal arrhythmia
(ventricular fibrillation) associated with the heart attack.

If you suffered an electric shock, and were not knocked unconscious, yes
this will work. But most people when in this situation, will panic and not
think to cough (besides the smell of burning flesh / skin makes you want to
hold your breath)

We were taught this trick when we used to work on high voltage high power
equipment, but the number of techs who successfully used it were low, due to
being knocked unconscious (usually associated with the sudden stop from
flight by a brick wall ;o)


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