Dear members,
This is my first cry for help, so please be kind.
I have just tried to use "itunes and Music Shop"; with the following result:-
after nominating a tune and waiting for the 30seconds of play; what I get is play for 1to 3 seconds
then this message in an Network Stalled box "rebuffering stream".
then play for another 7 seconds, then same message again, then repeated again.
Is my problem, computer speed, modem speed, or Act of God.
I have: G4 400, 768MB mem, OS 10.2.6, Quiicktime V6.2, and Itunes V4.
My ISP is Optus and they suggest this is an normal occurence with a 56K modem.
If this is true does this mean most country residents are unable to utilise this function.

Hoping for help, Darrel