Dear members,
This is my first cry for help, so please be kind.
I have just tried to use "itunes and Music Shop"; with the following result:-
after nominating a tune and waiting for the 30seconds of play; what I
get is play for 1to 3 seconds
then this message in an Network Stalled box "rebuffering stream".
then play for another 7 seconds, then same message again, then repeated again.
Is my problem, computer speed, modem speed, or Act of God.
I have: G4 400, 768MB mem, OS 10.2.6, Quiicktime V6.2, and Itunes V4.
My ISP is Optus and they suggest this is an normal occurence with a 56K modem.
If this is true does this mean most country residents are unable to
utilise this function.

Hoping for help, Darrel

Did you read the bit about Itunes Music store not being available in your country yet?

As it's not available here chances are the music is being streamed from the US, which wouldn't help its performance or reliability.

=========================== Shay Telfer ================================
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