At 10:05 AM +0800 18/6/03, Mark Secker wrote:
If you wait for the next new thing you'll never ever buy a computer

I agree with this, but would think in this case it would be prudent to wait for the WWDC keynote on the 23rd *just in case* Steve sheds more light on the subject with shipping dates etc.

A 5 day wait is reasonable considering the high probability that he'll say something. If at that point he still doesn't announce specific dates and products and you need a new system now, then absolutely go ahead and buy now! Otherwise, as others has stressed, you will always be waiting for the Next Big Thing.

Martin Hill mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Multimedia Consultant
Educational & Online Technologies, Information Services, Curtin University Mobile: 0417-967-969 wk: (08)9266-3101 Fax: (08)9266-3826