on 18/6/03 10:05, Mark Secker at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> If you wait for the next new thing you'll never ever buy a computer
> better to buy the next best thing rather than THE NEXT BEST thing. I
> purchased my PB G4 knowing that there was big news about a new
> PowerBook less thatn 3 months away. Now a 17" Powerbook would have
> been nice and I would have got it had I waited I know that I would
> have had 3 months of down time.

Normally I completely agree with this logic. In this case though there are a
couple of things that are very important that need to be taken into

The PPC970 (aka G5 in Applespeak) is a 64 bit CPU. That's huge for several
reasons that are long and detailed but basically (with the right OS) it'll
kick the snot outta the current G4's.

The redesigned motherboard and memory architecture of the new motherboards.
If I were looking at purchasing a new machine I could certainly wait a few
extra months for a redesigned motherboard with a much faster frontside bus
than is currently available on any Mac.

While waiting for the Holy Grail when it comes to computers is a losing game
I do believe that there are times where it makes sense to wait for a bit. I
believe this is one of those times.