Memory's just been jolted by the last list question (about g3 powerbook charging problem).

Wondering if any other G4 PowerBook owners have noticed this little issue that I've had with mine and if so have any ideas?

Some times when setting up/powering up the Powerbook when on mains supply there is no light on the (powerbook side) plug of the charger. while it is easy enough to fix by removing the mains side plug from the adaptor and plugging it back in again it doesn't seem to be caused by a loose connection been broken then remade as some times the problem arises when I switch off the power-board and switch it back on.

The issue is not major in and of it's self but given that the resulting battery discharge is cumulatively diminishing my PowerBooks total battery life this could be an expensive issue in a year or so.

I have not been able to find anything via Google or Apple tech site (though my search criterea might have been off)
ph#9380 1855 (ECEL)
ECEL Computer Support Officer, University of Western Australia.
CRICOS Provider No. 00126G
...I know that it is round for I have seen the shadow on the moon...
Ferdinand Magellan.

The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.
Hunter S. Thompson