Are you enquiring about cable or ADSL Bigpond???


Aiyah! At 5:50 PM 16/7/03, Mark Secker persuasively whispered in this gweilo's ear : Hey lah........

Can somebody tell me or show me with screen shots how to configure
the network and Internet Connect settings (and anything else I need)
for Telstra Broadband.

Had a %$#*ing *$@& of a time dealing with Telstra to try and get a
clients machine on to Broadband.

Kinda makes me glad I have no deep interest in using fast Internet from home :(

What an experience -
No support for OS 10.2 tech told me to format and install 10.1.x
yeh- right _AS_IF_) or boot to 9.2 - sorry new 17" iMac - no can do.
This is a worry given 10.3 is due out soon and they are still only
supporting 9 & 10.1, this would be like supporting win 95 & NT but
not Win2000 & XP - how far would they get doing that I ask you?

Was told to use the USB driver for the modem (sorry I don't see an
analog MODulator DEModulator around here do you mean the broadband
concentrator?.) of course the CD has no mac drivers, classic or other

The Telstra setup CD auto launches a Classic app that crashes because
it can't directly address the hardware... I ask the call center guy
if I could not perhaps set it up with ethernet - something that I had
tried before calling the support line but he said they only support
the USB port set up unless it is going to a wireless hub.