Can somebody tell me or show me with screen shots how to configure the network and Internet Connect settings (and anything else I need) for Telstra Broadband.

Had a %$#*ing *$@& of a time dealing with Telstra to try and get a clients machine on to Broadband.

Kinda makes me glad I have no deep interest in using fast Internet from home :(

What an experience -
No support for OS 10.2 tech told me to format and install 10.1.x yeh- right _AS_IF_) or boot to 9.2 - sorry new 17" iMac - no can do. This is a worry given 10.3 is due out soon and they are still only supporting 9 & 10.1, this would be like supporting win 95 & NT but not Win2000 & XP - how far would they get doing that I ask you?

Was told to use the USB driver for the modem (sorry I don't see an analog MODulator DEModulator around here do you mean the broadband concentrator?.) of course the CD has no mac drivers, classic or other wise

The Telstra setup CD auto launches a Classic app that crashes because it can't directly address the hardware... I ask the call center guy if I could not perhaps set it up with ethernet - something that I had tried before calling the support line but he said they only support the USB port set up unless it is going to a wireless hub.

ph#9380 1855 (ECEL)
ECEL Computer Support Officer, University of Western Australia.
CRICOS Provider No. 00126G

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